Discussion: Trump When Asked About Alt-Right: 'Nobody Even Knows What It Is'

What Hillary did yesterday, was FORCED the media to at least broach the subject of Donnie’e racism.

They could have done it on their own, but that would require, you know, intestinal fortitude and all that.


Donnie, THIS is how a real man does denial…



You know Trump might not know what the alt-right is, but he has sure surrounded himself with alt-right types. He raised alt-right themes including introducing the white nationalist politician who pushed Brexit and the idea that Angela Merkel is a traitor to her race. He has gone out of his way to promote racist ideas. Even his vision of black life in America is the warped dystopian vision of willfully ignorant and deeply isolated white racists.

Trump is a peddler. That doesn’t mean he understands the nonsense he is peddling.

By the way, why are we calling them alt-right. Before the internet we called them racists, white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Are we ashamed to admit a major candidate has elevated these guys to the mainstream?


In this case The Dumpster is talking truth, he does not know, he willfully is ignorant. It is the only way that he can survive in life by refusing to read, understand or inquire about questions other than via the headline. I’m afraid that if The Dumpster ever completed a deep dive into a subject he would be looking for a gun once he emerged to put an end to it all. His whole personality is geared to the surface never the substance.

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Trump: “She’s been extremely bad for African-Americans.”
Cooper: “Says who?”
Trump: “Her policies.”
Cooper: “Policies? Which policies?”
Trump: “All of them.”
Cooper: “OK.”

I know what it is. It is a code-name for the White Supremacist movement and they include Breitbart and the person running Trump’s campaign.

I propose we follow Trump here. Let’s not use the term Alt-Right anymore. Let’s call them what are:

White Supremacists, or White Nationalists, or Neo-Nazis. Take your pick.

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More projection from Little Donny Dummy. Oh, Donald! Just because you’re ignorant on so many…sooooo’ many issues, don’t assume everyone else is.



Donald hopes that all Independents haven’t figured it out yet.

But it would be hard not to with the way Trump has been chatting up Far Right bigots at his rallies in such a bold way for nearly a year now. He’s taken the KKK and Aryan Nation out of the shadows and now given it a prominent place on his campaign staff.

Hiring Steve Bannon was like trying to elevate hate from a sin to a virtue. Only a fascist demagogue would have done it. The more Independents become aware of the ugly underworld of the conservative movement, the more repulsed they will become with all of it?

Don’t give him “credit” for being a pathological liar.


The Alt-Right has been around for some time. Their full support of Trump has been noted as long as Trump has been running for President. If anybody isn’t familiar with the term or their history, it’s a good thing we have people like Clinton willing to explain it to them. I hope she keeps hammering on this.

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I’m surprised he didn’t say, “Breitbart? Never heard of them. Who’s Steve Bannon? No one knows who he is.”

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So, this was a planned interview and Trump said, “Anderson, come interview me standing next to this flag?”

Well, I didn’t drop cable without reason. Anyone who just can’t get what she said in that speech is either a burned-out bulb or a racist him/herself who is totally complicit. Oh, and it’s not that Hillary “attempted to link him…” when his campaign CEO is an alt-righter. There IS a big, fat, factual link. They are idiots – infuriating idiots at that.

As for MSNBC, from what I figure, Tweety last night just kept pulling false equivalence crap and making an ass of himself (although, not just last night – sounds like he’s been consistently terrible in this cycle; he used to have moments, albeit rare, of sharpness…). Is that the overall tone you see on TV about the speech?

“Who am I? Why am I here?”


They are called the alt-right because that’s what they call themselves. The rest of us recognize them as the erstwhile white supremacists and neo-Nazis, since their views never changed and the same people are in charge.


Yes – the point is not whether he knows that specific word (though I think he does), but whether his attitude and behavior fits the definition of it.

And it does. Hillary gave plenty of factual examples.


And nobody knows what Benghazi is either. It was just a term given by the GOP to what they had hoped would give Romney something to talk about at the 2012 debates that seemed sinister about President Obama… It didn’t work. It still doesn’t work with Hillary.

The American people still don’t know or care about it The same goes with Hillary’s cell phone and why she can’t walk in high heels on icy stairs.

They do, however, know about Nazi Germany and Jim Crow. That’s hits a little too close to home.

The first time I heard the term alt-right was when Paul Ryan slyly introduced it into a comment when answering a question about Trump a few weeks ago. The vulture capitalists are circling, Donald. You aren’t the most devious shark swimming in GOP waters.


That is the tone I saw. It was pretty surprising and Tweety IS usually the worst offender. He’s been REALLY bad on the Clinton Foundation.

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Another subject Trump knows nothing about. The list of what Trump knows nothing about Middle East, Russia, Iran, Iraq, the Constitution, Congress, etc. etc.

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And to cling to that 10% or so (which they have nurtured themselves) they are okay with losing the middle, ever increasing voting blocs of minorities, and one whole generation. Or just turning a blind eye to that reality.

They are a bunch of such long-term thinkers…