Have to admit…the way pundits (even on MSNBC) were talking last night you would think tying Trump to the alt-right (which is EASY) was some great offense. “She attempted to link him…” “Do you think it was fair…” “I don’t know if she really explained it well enough to tie him to the alt-right.”
These are paraphrased of course but I heard all of them. And then you have Cooper ask him these questions and fail to really push back. And then everyone’s having conversations about the Clinton Foundation while HRC just made this massive speech about how a Pres. candidate is a racist
So Trump’s strategy to defend against charges of racism is to pretend he doesn’t even know the background of the very people he’s hired to run his own campaign? That’ll instill a lot of confidence in voters!
Yeah…but the requirement to be a legal resident is exceedingly low in Florida. Basically its a “state of mind” state, which means if you have the intent to live there, you can call yourself a resident. There is no time limit requirement or proof of domicile or anything like that. You only need to provide an address for the State to reach you (and that’s merely to mail you your vote information card) Its probably the only “lenient” part of Florida’s voter registration law.
This is the type of “voter fraud” Kobach discovered in KS. Two couples who each owned property in KS and another state. They both voted in 2014 in each state, and both couples were Republicans.
This one catches him a very bad time. He is the process of testing out his “softer” immigration rhetoric and watching it collapse in disaster as he turns back (at least as of last night) to the previous “round them all up, kick them all up, no path to nothing, build a great big wall” stance.
He now has two big issues to try and defend, that are deeply intertwined. Simone Biles doesn’t possess the ability to twist through that, so rest assured Trump won’t even come close.
EDIT TO ADD: And, btw, this is the classic, formulaic Trump lie. “I don’t know nothing 'bout nothing”. The man has been retweeting alt-righters for several years at an alarming rate; he hired the editor of Brietbart who made the claim that they are the platform of choice for the alt right. Its not even remotely conceivable he hasn’t heard that term before. This denial will turn out like the “never heard of David Duke” denial…in a few days someone will dig up evidence that shows Trump using the phrase.
You have to give Trump credit for consistency. He didn’t know what white nationalists were and he doesn’t know what the alt-right is. Since they are the same thing, he is entirely consistent. Dumb as a rock, but entirely consistent.
He gave the same response during the David Duke episode earlier this year - even after being confronted with the tape of his previous remarks about Duke.
Either he’s being deliberately duplicitous or he’s in early-onset Alzheimer’s.