Discussion: Trump When ABC Host Asks About Accusers: 'I Hate That You Waste Time'

The only answer…


Ya check . With Thanks to Matt Bors


Trump extremism on display again.

Trump lives in a false reality where everything is either 0 or 100, nothing exists in between those poles. Everyone is lying, “These things never, ever happened” “These people…I don’t know these people” Things are tremendously great or horribly disgusting.

Which is the biggest tell that Trump is a pathological liar. Because the world simply isn’t black or white, on or off, 0 or 100. Its shades of grey. He absolutely knows quite a few of these women (How can he not know a woman to whom he gave repeated interviews for a decade and a half??)

Discovery is going to bury his cowardly orange butt.


He probably won’t sue these women now that they have all gotten high powered pro bono representation. BTW, they think the sniffing is a ‘tell’ that he’s lying. He seems to sniff heavily when he knows he’s lying.

The thing is, Trump never stops talking about the accusers. Why should the media not ask about them? Oh, that’s right. This is a man who threw a tantrum when his then-girlfriend showed him up at skiing!


Trump does hate wasting time.

That’s why he does the “pussy grab” first thing.


Tic Tac Clit.


“These people — I don’t know these people.”

Sure. Just like you don’t know any David Duke or your earpiece isn’t working or the microphone is bad or those mean old liberals are out to get you, or something. One of the above.


“They’re made up stories — you want to know why? Fame, or they wanted to help Clinton, or something,"

or something, like 100000000000000000% of it is true.


This denial of obvious reality is part of the man’s disease. A mental-health professional wrote this to James Fallows: “Trump is aware that there are other views of reality than his own. The narcissistic project is to argue, charm, bully the world into accepting his view of reality.”

I struggle to understand this, and the implications of it, because it’s not exactly delusion, according to this writer, and it’s not exactly lying either. It’s an aberration with its own unique approach to reality, it seems. Very creepy to see it so flagrantly working in this strange man’s mind.


Gawwd’ I’m so tired of Cheeto McFuckface. To date the only things he seems to be capable of doing well are cheating people, declaring bankruptcy and violating women.


Someone’s gotten through to him. He’s a much more disciplined liar…eager to change the subject…which makes him more of a true Republican.

So as long as he stays this way and no new stories break out, some “undecided” Republican voters will go home to him.

Ultimately, I don’t think it’ll matter. No reasonable person can really think he’s Presidential material.


Shorter Trump: Why are you wasting time worrying about what happened to women? How I view half the population of America doesn’t matter in the least!

Even the Republican women are catching on that this guy is bad news.


‘George! Let’s talk Wikileaks!’ You KNOW, the ‘leaked’ emails that are leading people to a conclusion that may or may not be TRUE because it’s one person’s opinion of a subject but THOSE are ‘true’. The rest? These accusers? They are scum. They are liars. IT’s HILLARY that tried to destroy women.


Although - not to be too graphic - I suspect the clitoris per se is not his intended target.


Drumpfie is a colossal waste of time and liar to boot…Other examples…

Dump the drumpf…


"The ABC host then asked Trump if he would follow through on his threat to sue his accusers.

“We’ll find out,” Trump replied. “Let’s see what happened with the election. We’re going to find out.”"

Okay, so we can actually unpack a few things from this.

One: If, and it’s a pretty big if, he gets elected, he thinks that the office will shield him from some or all of the fallout of pushing a lawsuit against these women and that he’ll get to bully the crap out of them (maybe he thinks he can make a law shielding him from “discovery”? Or he can quickly push through his proposed libel law stupidity before he launches the suits?)

Two: he knows he’d lose the suits, and badly, as a private citizen so he’ll “let it slide” if he loses.


He’s not alone. Lots of people have the personality type that needs to classify everything into black and white categories. They are confused and uncomfortable with nuance and ambiguity; they crave absolutism. Someone who offers simple, easy to comprehend “solutions” makes them feel safe.

People really can’t change their personality type. We’re stuck with dummies like this forever.


The “snuffle” will be the Leitmotiv for Trump’s lying in the Wagnerian opera of this election. The whole score will sound like a first-grade homeroom in February.


Well this interview won’t be a waste of time