[quote=“ralph_vonholst, post:14, topic:64062”]
Would you be prepared for a one million strong army of North Korean transgendered fully armed fembots with eye lasers?
[/quote]How about sharks with frickin’ laser beams?
His goddamned enablers. I too hoped they were there to check trump’s excesses – but after Kelly’s revolting press conference, I worry they are all in agreement with the maniac. Apparently they are dutifully working out the details for a nuclear first strike.
Moronic, bullshit hubris: it’s what’s for dinner.
I don’t think Trump is capable of keeping his mouth closed for any length of time. He needs to release all that hot air, otherwise he’d join Garfield in the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade.
Except, being dutiful militarists, that scenario has been planned for some time, I think, well before Trump. They probably also have plans for a first strike on Pakistan. Maybe France and the UK, even. It’s what they do. What’s the use of generals without a war? This is job security. They have expensive toys all going to waste.
For sheer eloquence, surely these remarks surpass such trivial presidential musings as the (over-rated!) Gettysburg Address and second Inaugural. Sad! Nice! TOTALLY SHOCKING!
All of the imagined fembots (h/t @ralph_vonholst) will be carrying huge vats of perfluorooctanoic acid,which causes kidney cancer, birth defects, immune system disorders and other serious health problems, and the new top deputy at EPA’s toxic chemical unit, a Hamhock lookalike named Beck, wants them back. For the previous five years, she had been an executive at the American Chemistry Council, the chemical industry’s main trade association. President Obama banned this chemical but it’s new day in D.C…
@lilyinindy It’s the “Who knows” or “We’ll see” which tell us everything we need to know. He hasn’t thought about any issues except maybe those related to Russian and profiteering, and he doesn’t care to know anything. Let somebody else decide.
He’s right about one thing: I “wouldn’t believe” a word that comes out of his anally-puckered lips. This is just more distraction, and I’m sick of it. Director Mueller, please hurry! Let’s find out why there were U.S. forces in Niger; how long did it really take for him to contact the bereaved families of those killed; how many of his Cabinet are ripping off the taxpayer. These are the questions the media should be asking, not parsing his tweets and bragging.
Preparation takes focus. It’s not something someone with a five-second attention span can manage.
Now let me tell you about my original Renoir. It’s an original, did you know that?..
Or ceasing to tweet.
The only way to prevent a war is if we tell him there’s a Trump Tower in Seoul within striking distance of North Korean artillery.
@epicurus Wray seems to be a good steward of the FBI. Certainly better than Pompeo’s Trump asskissing over at the CIA.
I’m just wondering how far it will go under Trump’s hand-picked leader of the Bureau. Hopefully there are still some agents there who know how to do their jobs.
It’s easy to become cynical based on everything we’ve seen but there are dedicated FBI agents who want to do their job and will.
You are correct and thank for that. I try hard not to generalize about any group, and I admire those who actually are working in our government. I just have a great deal of mistrust in anyone appointed by The Orange Shitgibbon, Mr. Wray being no exception.
McMaster’s most recent statements show he’s on board with a preventive (not preemptive – for all his bluster KJU is not an imminent threat) war with North Korea. Anonymous reports suggest that Mattis is the only one holding back the Orange Menace from initiating WWIII.
Cheer up.
In order to cheer up I’d have to do a lot of bottoms up.
To make a blanket statement that “we’re prepared for anything” shows a stunning lack of imagination. What if the NoKos have already smuggled a nuclear device disguised as a 25 cu. ft. used Samsung Refrigerator into Seoul. It may already be in the basement of a safe house as I write.
“You would be shocked to see how totally prepared we are.”
Yep. People in Puerto Rico would be totally and utterly shocked that your Administration is prepared for something.
At 30 days after a Cat 4 Hurricane, FEMA has delivered 17/150 generators urgently requested by the PR Water Authority the day after the storm. FEMA/Army Corps of Engineers have installed blue plastic provisional tarps on 650 roofs in the San Juan Metro Area when their “Preliminary Models of the passage of a Category 4 storm through PR” showed that 60,000 roofs would be damaged. For those who can muddle through on their school and college Spanish, I am linking 3 articles from El Vocero on the ongoing lack of reliable electrical power at the Rio Piedras Centro Medico (the highest level of medical care available in Puerto Rico), increasing numbers of Leptospirosis cases, including one death from that disease and Dengue Fever (mosquito borne virus), and FEMA’s and Army Corps of Engineers’ “Operation Blue Roofs.”