Discussion: Trump Weighs In On The Oscars: 'It Was A Great Night For Mexico, As Usual'

Discussion for article #233549

Trump has always been a racist pig.


“I haven’t seen any conservatives lately get up and start ranting and raving,”

Hi Rudy.


If it were up to me, Trump and every other obnoxious right-winger would get a large megaphone, 'cause the more woman- and man-on-the-street Americans hear what GOP & Company has to say, the more likely they are to vote for Democrats.


My first reaction exactly ROTFLOL

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That is why the way TPM portrays Trump is different than the way Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell portray Trump. It is the job of the latter two (along with a host of others, of course) to “report” on the GOP as though it is a political party, as opposed to a racist cult.


“There was a lot of conservative-hatred there. There was no question about that,” Trump said.

It’s not hatred of conservatives, Donald; it’s hatred of Republicans. I’ll clue you in - hatred of Republicans and their policies extends beyond Hollywood.


“I haven’t seen any conservatives lately get up and start ranting and raving,” he added.

Understandable; tChrump probably can’t see his reflection in the mirror.


“Birdman” was a terrific advertisement for New York. Trump, not so much.


Trump’s just worried that there won’t be enough gold for his next toilet.

For the love of Christ, stop reporting this assholes words as if they mean something. Just ignore the fucker instead of feeding him the attention he craves.


Trump = pustule: 1: a small circumscribed elevation of the skin containing pus and having an inflamed base 2: a small often distinctively colored elevation or spot resembling a blister or pimple

“I haven’t seen any conservatives lately get up and start ranting and raving,”

Hi Donald.


Sadly, TPMz has become increasingly obsessed with the meaningless.


Trump, a real estate scion, not mogul, says there was a lot of Conservative hatred at the Oscars. Of course there wasn’t but there wasn’t any gushing over them and in his mind that’s the same thing. But should there be a love of Conservatism at the Oscars? It’s their show. They should have it their way. So if they choose not to kiss Conservative ass what’s the problem with that? I thought these GOP’ers loved freedom.


It should be no surprise that there are few conservatives in Hollywood.

US conservatives have never been particularly friendly to creative types…and more often, they’re trying to silence creative types.

All creative types aren’t necessarily all big government liberals…but I do wonder how you can be a Republican and work in a creative field.


He signed on for another season with NBC- he’s not running for anything. Why NBC continues to support this whack job is beyond me.

Leave it to Trump to make the Oscars all about veterans vs Dreamers. Sean Penn set him up and The Donald went for it like a reptile. It’s gotten so easy to bait conservatives into saying dumb things that nobody is surprised anymore when they do. Trump actually thinks Democrats have never served and that we only talk about war being *ell instead of really feeling that way like Republicans.

Obviously his ratings are high. Even people who hate him watch him. Hell, look at all the clicks on this article, he’s obviously generating revenue for this site, as does Sarah, etc.

And all NBC wants is revenue.

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Probably didn’t notice it was filmed entirely in New York City and the cast was American, save for the odd Australian. Last year’s “Mexican” picture also featured an all-American cast and took place in outer space, mostly.