These tiny, little men with their 5 or 6 mega-mansions that they rarely see.
Their lives are like soda fizz, exciting, fizzy.
But they end, seemingly in a blink, with little to remember or fuel a soul’s ascent to Heaven.
That would be Steve Schwartzman, head of Blackstone.
that’s what I don’t get. It’s like my 80+ year old uncle Joe, living fat an happy like almost all baby boomers, so he voted tRUmp to stir it up a little in DC. When my dad told me this, I asked him, what did he have it too easy all of his life?
it’s like the big point in climate change that never gets discussed, our species has thrived in this relatively cool climate over the last 6,000 years, to the point of over population, but there are no guarantees that the next iteration of the climate will suit us at all, so doesn’t it make sense from, say, a survival stand point, to maintain that which has allowed you to prosper?
Name 3 of your so-called friends and have them speak about their plight to a Congressional Committee. And televise the hearing.
Hey, it was good for me.
What a fucking crowd. The greed level is hard to comprehend. Eight years of borrowing money at ZERO interest rates, corporate subsidies still in place, corporate tax rates - effective - in the mid-teens, and these pricks think they deserve more. Democratic Party and our beloved media better turn this into a blood battle, put the pedal to the metal and keep it there.
Trump also promised the business leaders in the room that he would “get taxes even lower than we’re going to be cutting them,” and that he would seek their input in doing so.
Wait…so they’re going to be lower than what you cut them to? What is that even supposed to mean?
Nah. Donny’s all his favorite plutocrats over to play and is now passing out warm apple pies and condoms.
I Googled. Many words to dance around a forbidden noun, leech.
Next up: gutting workplace sexual-conduct regulations because his friends can’t get laid.
“Donnie, shut the fuck up!”
Here’s the Bannon 4-Year Plan: fuck everything up to the point of being unrecognizable, profit immensely on everything we do, get us into a few wars, destroy the economy, take us to the brink of collapse and then…
…let a Democrat get elected to take the fall.
And the jokes on late night TV write themselves.
And they still won’t be able to get laid. Worse kind of people.
Yeah… and way, way beyond what they could possibly spend in their lifetime even if they lead a pretty comfortable life – as if they could hug it in their coffin and take it with them to hell.
I sincerely don’t get the motivation.
Steve Buscemi marched in NY on the 21st and a friend told me he saw him with a guy who had a sign saying that.
I saw the picture, Steve and the guy with the sign, awesome.
I don’t get it either but I have a couple of friends who are really tight and they seem to value the actual money rather than what it can buy.
I don’t get that either but I think it is the same kind of thing.