Why do we need any financial regulations at all? I’m sure the free market will sort it all out.
Gee, if your Upper East Side friends can’t get loans, there might be a reason for that.
So…FK the middle class…you people should have never believed me. I’m not building a wall, metaphoric or otherwise, I’m not regulating air and water and I’m sure as sht not dealing with consumer protections. Because ‘friends’. MAGA!
That part alone deserves a like.
I’m going with crude - now that I’m a reformed prostitute. And of course a Republican.
That can’t be true! They’re the party of fiscal responsibility! They’re the party of business!
You’d think that people would be aware of things that have actually happened, but alas, no.
critical question to follow up with would be, why can’t your friends with beautiful businesses get loans? Is it that the loan is too risky? Your friends don’t want to have to pay the interest rates that are commiserate with the amount of risk they want to take on? Do your friends want to default on their loans so that taxpayers foot the bill AGAIN? BTW donnie boy, you haven’t payed income taxes in 20 years, so you got no skin in this game.
The FT Comment thread has 156 comments (long for FTs rather staid readers): This (from “ShockingSheikh”) sums it up nicely
Am not sure whether to despair or celebrate. Despair for the people that will become financial roadkill as a result of this. Or celebrate because this could pretty much be the Trump administration packing dynamite under its own project and allowing anyone to come and put a match to it. Bewildering.
You’re right. It means nothing anymore to be a millionaire.
I’m sure there is a part of the new regulation that says no one is too big to fail, and every bank will secure its own loans with no hope of federal bail out.
“We expect to be cutting a lot out of Dodd-Frank, because frankly I can’t borrow money,”
Why doesn’t he just hook him up with the foreign State Banks like China . He owes them 650 million.
He owes 170 million to Deutsche Bank . That bank was just fined 15 billion by the US in their money laundering scheme .
They are asking the German Gov for a bail out which would mean they are a State run Bank.
If Donald’s friends are such good loan risks, why doesn’t Mr. Billionaire lend them the money?
This is why he wants to go to war with China - get rid of his debt.
It was reported that after the automotive industry meeting last week that Trump took some attendees into the oval office and talked about crowd size and more generalities about bringing jobs back to the US. Zero substance.
Conway, Spicer, Priebus, Ryan, et al. in discordant disunion: WHAT HE MEANT WAS…
It’s going to be about that crowd size until it’s all over with. And he’ll still go on about it after he’s out of office.
Somebody called him President Tiny Inauguration last night - cracked me up.
OMFG! He really did say that. I thought it was a joke.
It is, I guess, and it’s on us.
But emails. I need to stop having these murderous thoughts.
O don’t stop now - who knows what a whole lot of people thinking the same things could make happen…