Discussion for article #243330
Does that include domestic terrorists, or don’t they count?
Well, reprisals worked for the Nazis, right?
can we start with your’s Donnie?
I’ll pick up the check for dinner…
Does that include verbal terrorists, like a certain fool who is the current Repug front runner, or the senator from Texas who trails him in the polls?
Bingo. When do we start carpet bombing the mid-west?
Sure. Makes sense. Take out their families. And just in case that radicalizes anyone for some reason, you take out their extended families, and if that breeds resentment among those quick-to-feel-resentful Ay-rabs, you just keep the ball rolling. So I fully expect a Christmas Eve address in which Trump breezily proposes to nuke every Muslim man, woman, and child on the planet just in case. And take their oil. America Fuck Yeah!
We need to waterboard em’ first — Find out what they know —
Ah, I love the smell of some Pinochet in the morning.
What Trump is saying may sound to naive ears exactly like terrorist-think - but IN FACT the preternaturally vain, pudgy-to-mildly-obese, melanin-challenged, media-savvy supposed billionaire developer of trashy hotels, state-government-backed future failed casinos, and overpriced luxury resort golf courses, is PITCHING a feature plot-line for the new reality show coming to Fox in January, 2017:
> President Donald Trump Hunts Down, Tortures and Kills Five Year-Old Syrian Refugees With As Few As One Suspected Terrorist In Their Extended Families, Because Reasons.
and their 97 year old grand mama…
Donald Trump on terrorists: "Take out their families"I
Is he suggesting Bachelor-like home visits or just war crimes?
The Son of Il Duce makes yet another policy pronouncement.
Has it occurred to anyone else that for a person like Trump, you could not have designed a system better calculated to completely unbalance him than what’s happening now? Take a man with no moral center, a modest intellect, and a nearly crippling inferiority complex that he has just barely kept at bay with massive overcompensation, inflating a mediocre business career into an illusion of enormous success through relentless self-promotion and, when that wasn’t enough, recreating himself as a pseudo-celebrity, like a proto-Kardashian. Add in ruthless suppression of any tendency toward introspection that comes with that profile. Then drop him into this ultimate bid to prove to Obama,and to everyone, he’s not either inferior, where he discovers that the more awful the things he says, the more openly, nonsensically, evil his proposals, the more passionate (if not broad) all that validating support becomes.
It’s a vicious cycle that, win or lose, ends with him becoming utterly insane, not just a boorish clown, but an actual danger to himself and others. Either he loses, that bubble pops and he’s left with nothing but the crippling inferiority complex after all or he wins and there’s no escape from his sense of inferiority except into complete megalomania.
The word ‘fear’ is now a verb.
Each day Trump et. al. hit the campaign trail and fear the country.
United States political figures don’t get charged and tried in international courts for war crimes. It’ll never happen. “Eff you” will be our constant response to any attempts to seek justice or sanctions. A Presidnet Trump could personally slit the throats of ISIS wives with impunity. He may say these things to pander to his audience, but in truth he could do it and suffer no criminal penalties.
“Sippenhaft” is the term.
A lot of the drone strikes “takes out” whole families, wedding parties etc, so not a new idea…
It has, actually.
As I said in July…the derp is gonna get thicker, higher, and deeper exponentially from then to the election. We haven’t got to the juicy parts yet.
Does he mean like Bush did with the bin Laden family members, getting them out of Dodge, a free ride home days after 9/11.