Maybe his inauguration crowd was bigger than we knew … millions of his voters were watching from the Potomac. MAGAfish
…but mostly they came from the black lagoon.
Nice to see he’s recognizing #worldpoetryday which was yesterday
Wasn’t it the greatest? Maria, like a good Fox reporter, sat, rolled over, showed her belly and said, “Yes, absolutely.” And they wonder why he only grants these interviews to Fox.
Are those Asian carp?
From the oceans white with foam too?
Please, please send him back to the Valley of Lunatics.
“They came from the valleys, they came from the rivers, they came from the citie’…they came from the miasmal mist
they came from the rivers…
and he still claims that climate change is a hoax
As if he’s ever even read a poem
… from the sewers, from the dumpsters, and from the darkest days of America’s past.
[quote=“evan, post:11, topic:85917, full:true”]
As if he’s ever even read a poem
[/quote]“There once was a hermit named Dave …”
No, wait. That’s a limerick. Does that count?
How much longer can Mitch continue to call this good for our country…
This. Is. Not. Good!!!
There was a young man was from Nantucket was my choice but you beat me to the limerick angle.
they came from under the rocks, from the netherlands, they came with money from russia and saudi arabia. they came from the bastions of the racist and the bigoted. and they breathed deeply of the trumpstank and said ‘this will own the libtards, this is good.’
Emily Dickhead, Presidential Poet.
Lo! I say
All of the rubes
Have voted for me
And my mighty man boobs
The worms that now feast
On the remains of my brain
Are the cause of my ranting
About that dead guy McCain
If you haven’t received any votes, apparently you are not supposed to write about Trumplestiltskin.
“Oh my god! I was so set up for a fall by… by… by EVERYBODY!”
I think that I shall never meet
On boulevard or crowded street
A poem as lovely as my Tweet
Sent forth from golden toilet seat
And said Tweet sounds sweet
Like Pan’s dear pipe
Though entering characters
Makes it hard to wipe.