Quiet opposition, just like Trump would have done.
Drumpfie thinks that when he talks to people they will be so overwhelmed by his magnificence and his deal-making persuasion that they will do anything he wants.
Guess that’s just not true.
Is there anything in life that does not annoy Donnie?
You can bet that if Donnie did not have money, not a living soul would want to have anything to do with him.
Things just aren’t working out. It is someone else’s fault of course. Only actual bucks stop at the Oval Office.
Donald, you called the bill “mean!!!” On TV!!! God, this simpleton!!! I think the gypsy curse that makes him act out all his old tweets is actually spreading.
Anything he said prior to the last 15 minutes doesn’t count any more.
He’d say it was superceded, if he weren’t unable to understand or pronounce words with more than two syllables.
Hey, WE are annoyed with Trump every damned day!
He doesn’t remember doing that.
I had been trying to think of various “the buck stops over theres” but this is so much better. Bravo.
Yes Donnie he annoys us too.
But in this case …We LOOOOVE him
Your spot inside the bubble failed to let the fact that exactly 12% of Americans supported this bill.
Even Ms Lindsay said it
Why don’t we try passing something that is actually liked by people
“Lie there quietly and take it, Rand – just like all the women in my life!”
Rand Paul annoying Hair Furor is he first constructive thing he’s done in office. I hope he builds on his success!
So are you going to try to Primary Paul, like you are doing to Flake? How about working on a double header and taking on both Senators from Kentucky? Doesn’t that sound like a great idea, Don?
Reince Priebus explaining to Trump why he can’t find the bill in the trash.
“No, it isn’t there, Donald!”
So Rand Paul isn’t completely useless after all? Anyone who annoys Trump can’t be all bad.
Real men would settle this with a duel. Let’s have it.
Trump is mentally ill.
This “mostly bag of bullshit” recently instructed Theresa May to invite him only after she cleaned up her act - meaning she insured no protests. His self absorption is only exceeded by his ego, which is only exceeded by his need for adoration.
Jeez, savior trump versus savior rand. Whose ass can fox bring themselves to stop kissing?
I kid. Of course it’s neither. They’ll do a segment about how Democrats are traitors for refusing to eliminate the ACA instead.
This has got to be the best picture today!!