Hillary could have warned Russia and it would have meant something. But not you, Putin’s Poodle. The whole world saw you disgraced in Helsinki. Just keep your treasonous mouth shut and maybe you’ll score another soccer ball out of it. In the meantime the Syrians just keep suffering and dying. Nice job, deplorables. Really makes me give a damn how you feel about how I feel about you. Hope you had a nice weekend.
I note that this tweet is not ALL CAPS, so it’s not like the warning given to Iran… If he really means it he says it
A million bucks if trump can make 3 factual statements about the Idlib Province --or-- locate it on a map.
Ooooh, I hope they have Pampers in Syria, because Big Bad Donald gonna make all them bad men pee in their panties from fear!
I was very clear. I said Don’t do that. Now I hear, they’re doing it. What? So now I say, Stop doing that, really. You shouldn’t do that. You should stop. You’re not going to shut me up on this, because this is important: people might get hurt, some might die. If they keep doing this, Imma keep saying, No, don’t: you shouldn’t do that. You’ll see.
Yeah attack them in a neat and orderly way.
He does know launching a trade war against Syria is idiotic, right? Or maybe the threat was another tweet-storm?
Register people to vote. Get to the polls. Won’t it be nice to have an adult, reasoning Congress tell Orange Julius, “No. Nope. Not gonna happen. Ever. Let’s see your tax returns like you promised.”
As if he would ever do anything real against Putin.
If Vlad wants Idlib for Assad, he will have Idlib.
Dotard will babble some BS and do nothing.
As per Wodward’s book, let’s hope Mattie hangs upon Twitler again…