Discussion: Trump Warns He'll Revoke Clearance Of Justice Dept's Bruce Ohr

He really does.


Oh, yes. Though as @tena says, they wouldn’t care, and it wouldn’t make a difference to anything material. But if he does it to Mueller and his team…


When Mueller FINALLY drops the bomb on this guy and his family,
I wonder if shell shocked will have a new meaning according to trump.
Fixed, witch hunt, sad just won’t cut it anymore. lol
I am hoping Guilty Guilty Guilty.
End of story


The professional impact on Ohr is equal to being fired. Test with Brennan, test again with Ohr, move on to Mueller and crew if no opposition. This is what we’re seeing.


Robert Mueller walks Saufley and he carries a big stick and he’s just outside your door Donald.

Humpty Dumpty explanation point

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Oh dear , The Toddler*s having another tantrum .


I’ll go with “Can’t teach and old dog new tricks,” Alex for $400.


How much longer till we get to revoke Trump’s security clearance? Not that he pays much attention to the PDB anyway (from what I’ve read).

November 6, 2018.

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TweetyPee is an embarrassment to America. Republican are responsible for this mess. Vote in November.


My money’s on Emmet Flood who has kept a remarkably low profile since he stepped into the WH.


Emmet who? Oh yeah the one that doesn’t speak and stays close to the wall.

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What s complete ahole. He’s got nothing. He is out to destroy Ohr because his wife worked for Fusion. Donnie bought his wives so he can’t fking fathom that women have their own careers. Fking dictator wannabe.

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I think trump should have no security access at all. in fact lock him in the residence. Leave him there. No phone, no computer, no TV, no human contact.


And when he pulls the trigger the indictments will follow as sure as day follows night.

I’m sorry, but I just have to say it: I want this fat vicious excuse for a human dead. Soon. I don’t care how. Just so it’s soon. And painful.

He just loves it when he finds something he can do unilaterally without having to involve Congress, the administrative bureaucracy, etc. Kinda like pardons.

How about he gets a tv that has one channel–MSNBC?

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According to the AP, Trump is just finally fighting back:
“Trump’s admission that he acted out of frustration with the Russia probe underscored his willingness to use his executive power to fight back against an investigation he sees as a threat to his presidency.”
Uhg, barf.

I think you’ve landed on a significant issue. Not only Trump, but his enablers in the West Wing, Congress, and Fox News (and anywhere else) take it as an article of faith that, of course anyone with any possibility of behaving unethically has behaved unethically. They assume that everyone is as corrupt as they are.

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