Discussion: Trump Warns He'll Revoke Clearance Of Justice Dept's Bruce Ohr

Trump exercises a choice that makes literally no sense unless to harm and/or disparage an investigation into his campaign.

I am not talking court room law, but he plainly interferes with the investigation. Seems like a step by step, prepping one to another to finally revoke the clearance of any investigating him and/or firing those on the SC.

And the Republican Senators and Representatives will be proud.


This is the same state of mind as Nixon walking around the White House talking to Presidential portraits. He’s flipping out bigly.


I’ve seen that as well. It’s promising and it helps you remember it’s a little self-defeating and not entirely accurate to constantly repeat that the GOP will always back him. They will until they won’t. Yes, he has a durable base, but he can’t survive on that alone. The fact is, more and more he worries people on both sides of the aisle. Helsinki made them think “OMG—maybe it’s true.” It really was what you can call an inflection point—not turning, maybe, not tipping, but certainly a change in direction. The tariffs too. I think the whole right-leaning half of the country’s getting a gnawing sense of what could happen if they let him run wild.


Miller? Miller?

vindictive and petty ?
Pretty Much


Sounds a whole lot like a clear-cut case of Obstruction of Justice.

Of course the Rethuglicans who control both houses of Congress are too panicked and frightened of Trump and his “base” of deplorables to do anything about it. Now that is disgraceful.


Crossing the Rubicon, finally. The most important and nasty development of Agent Orange’s administration (2nd to his election).

He’ll do it. Why must we be left wondering if he’ll be opposed in a meaningful way, possibly stopped?


Keep going Trump you are about to step in it bigly. There are now some very high profile people speaking out. It is just a matter of time, many people are saying.

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Check out Dept. of Navy v. Egan https://www.lawfareblog.com/how-trumps-outburst-over-security-clearances-harms-presidency in Lawfareblog.com. The SC ruled security clearances rested with a non-partisan agency. This is NOT over and wouldn’t be surprised if Brennan’s clearance is quietly restored.


Now when is the Army going to step up and do its damn job and take out the Russian in the White House along with its family?


The republican members, the Dems just look like their usual clueless and toothless nice selves.

F you, Fatso. Justice will prevail, and it will be sweet.

Something tells me if the CIA thinks Brennan can be of help to them with an investigation, they’ll talk to him and not give a frog’s fat ass what The Donald says.


Lawfare is indispensable.


Wondering if we’re seeing final distintegration of Trump’s version of calm, now that he’s found out McGahn has been working productively with Mueller for quite a while.

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Yes I agree completely with that. It was the same with Nixon - they were with him right up until they weren’t.

Yes it was and nothing has been quite the same since. In fact it has been pretty obviously downhill since Helsinki.


I can’t take vindictive and petty, but add cunning and ruthless and I start getting scared.

Thank you for a well needed laugh.


I think he is just getting started - he is going to pull the security clearance of everyone on Mueller’s team next.

We are approaching the end game. People are getting wiggy.


Saying that Republicans in Congress are afraid of tRump and his base, gives them an out. Many of them are cheering this shit on, and, like Devin Nunes, helping.

Trump forgets the Hilary’s campaign CONTINUED to fund that dossier that was started by a Republican who was running against him. Forgetting that gives him this clean Democrats/Deep State vs tRump narrative.

If he wants to start pulling security clearances from current employees for no other reason than to retaliate, he’s going to get some backlash.


That’s effectively firing them. And he’s been held back from doing that and I think eventually absorbed into his bones a fear of doing it. He knows it’s a disaster for the midterms, would bring millions into the streets, would make him look even guiltier, wouldn’t end the investigation which would just revert back to the DOJ and continue in the courts where it’s metastasized, and would pretty much gamble his presidency on one throw of the dice. He hasn’t got the guts. If he freaks out he’ll go the distraction route—it’s always what he opts for. Even this Bruce Ohr bullshit is his usual testing the water. He got a ton of blowback from Brennan. Ohr’s a current employee and there would be greater practical problems from pulling his clearance. I just don’t think the Mueller team’s next. My $.02 of course. But for an incredibly erratic guy, Trump’s pretty predictable and tends to telegraph his punches.