I’m waiting for the email, where he wants longer fingers…
Trump Wanted Cropped ________ To Make _______ Look Larger
Well of course he did.
Trump’s bat-shite crazy started way before DAY #1.
Guy starts his gig in the most important job in the world, and all he can think of is making his crowd look larger than Obama’s. How sick is that?
What he should have been thinking was, “Holy sh!t, I have absolutely no qualifications for this!”
So much snark, so little time. I sense a meme forming…
I’m surprised Trump didn’t insist on having more people photoshopped into the pictures, sort of a “reverse Stalin” move.
So he spent the morning looking at photos of the size of Obama’s crowd on Inauguration Day and had to have a bigger crowd. What a dipshit.
From the beginning to the end, that’s the theme, and always will be. “What you are seeing and what you are reading is not what’s happening.” Two and two makes five, if the Party wants it to.
I think his hand was enlarged on the “sympathy” post for McCain. Other people are saying that too.
Donnie, you want a yuuuuuuuuuuuuge crowd to gather and cheer?
If the writer of the Times op-ed were truly devious, he would have added a closing line: “And in person, Trump’s fingers are even shorter than they appear in the media.”
For a second, I thought is said that Trump wanted the photos cropped to make his dick look bigger,
Can you do that??? Asking for a friend.
I thought the short-fingered vulgarian wanted the pictures cropped to make his hands appear larger, normal sized.
One can only guess what he directs (“this angle, no closer…”) when his partners want to take a pic of the short pencil dick.
My take away is that he lied when he told us it was the biggest inauguration crowd ever. Or am I stating the obvious…