Does Trump know why the USPS was created?
Guess not.
Here is one area that Trump doesn’t seem to be able to mobilize his base. No massive, effective trumpioid boycott, no harm done to Amazon. And by Bezos remaining nonflustered - Trump’s tweets come off more as annoying gnats rather than bellicose bullying.
Please proceed Idiot in Chief
Others have tried and failed
Could it be that Bezos has waaayyyy more Money than you
Owns rockets too
He could buy and sell you ,
Maybe he’ll loan you some money so you’ll treat him nice like you do the Russians
[Quote] use our Postal Service as their Delivery Boy[/quote] Yeah, what does Amazon think the Postal Service is some sort of delivery service for letters and packages?
And they also employ people other than the regular mail carriers .
I thought he liked job creation
Amazon is more popular than †Я☭mp. People are voting for it every day.
Asking the Post Office to be your “delivery boy” is like going to a restaurant and ordering food.
What a fscking dumb ass.
I live in a semi rural area . It’s a lifeline
Isn’t… isn’t that what it’s for?
I don’t even understand. Dude’s incoherent.
I love the smell of plutocrats tearing each other to shreds in the morning. It smells like victory…
Relax Spanky. The postal service is not their delivery boy, only their covfefe boy. Move along please.
If shipping through the USPS costs more, those costs will be passed on to the consumer.
This just in:
Bezos vilifies Russia for using Trump as it’s ‘Delivery Boy’
Wow…where to go. First off, he’s a liar about taxes and all that. Secondly, is he even fking AWARE of what Congress has done to the USPS and how Amazon has saved their a**? Thirdly, but not lastly, WhyTF does he CONSTANTLY feel the ‘need’ to rip down American industries when he won’t do the same for foreign ones? The rest can go unsaid…it’s too early…
Hi, Neighbor!!
Not only that, but FedEx and UPS have lobbied to get laws passed that severely limit the competitiveness of the USPS.
Right? There’s so much wrong with that single tweet, it’s hard to even begin to unpack it.
The Federal Government does not subsidize the Postal Service any longer. Hasn’t in ages, but we know Donnie hasn’t taken in any new facts since the late 70’s.
Amazon doesn’t pay much in the way of Federal Taxes because they don’t make much in the way of profits. And for other accounting reasons… they take advantage of the tax laws… and, unless I’m much mistaken, the Lying Orange Urine-Stain has been bragging about how much he’s cut taxes on corporations… so, I’m… confused.
This must be fake news. I thought using US laws to your own advantage was brilliant.
Trump is the nasty dog in the neighborhood - randomly terrorizing residents for years -
and virtually everyone will rejoice when a big delivery truck squashes him into a fur Frisbee