Oh. My. God.
He truly does not see how craven it looks, to accept a medal he did not earn?
“I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.”
Contemptible. Tone deaf. Mad as a hatter.
Watch for Trump Brand Purple Hearts (made in China) on eBay and Amazon.
Ok, VFW and American Legion. Your turn…
Isn’t there a statute against presenting yourself to have earned a medal you didn’t?
Borrowed Feathers …
Fortunate Son.
Trump also said he asked the veteran if the medal, which is awarded to servicemembers who are wounded or killed, was real or a copy, and said the man told him it was the real deal. Trump said the man told him, “‘I have such confidence in you.’ And I said, man, that’s big stuff.”
But NBC News’ Katy Tur reported shortly afterward that the veteran told her the medal was a copy of his Purple Heart.
I have a feeling Trump will be calling this poor guy a liar before this is over.
and a really nice Iron Cross with Oak leaves in gold…
Hillary is right to ask how low Trump will go. So far it is a bottomless pit.
Trump also said he asked the veteran if the medal, which is awarded to servicemembers who are wounded or killed, was real or a copy, and said the man told him it was the real deal.
But NBC News’ Katy Tur reported shortly afterward that the veteran told her the medal was a copy of his Purple Heart.
Is there anything that have to do with Trump that isn’t a lie?
Hey, with anything Trump Brand, the gold gilding is a given.
This is Trump in miniature.
Be given things you never earned.
Think that you somehow deserve them.
Medals. Millions. Votes. All the same to him.
“I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.”[/quote]
Miraculously, I find something I can agree with Trump on. I’d like to have him having earned a Purple Heart, too.
Or even more, that his family earned a Gold Star.
Dear Donald,
How would you like Ugg’s Purple Rock upside your orange skull? Ugg make it easy.
He always wanted one?
Funny, he took great pains to avoid the opportunity to earn one.
“I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.”
Trump yearned for it so much he burned the doctor's letter to Selective Service that would have permitted his final deferral and avoidance of military service in Viet Nam. Instead Trump enlisted and served in the Mekong Delta.
Oh, wait..............
Maybe the Donald will award himself the Congressional Medal of Honor…
Has anyone seen this article yet?