Discussion: Trump: US Will Act Unilaterally On North Korea If China Not On Board

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I don’t always agree with Mourning Joe, but he nailed it this morning.
“After the weekend tweetstorm it is obvious we have a President who does nothing but sit around and watch TV all the time as the tweets were a reaction to things he heard on cable news.”
They said it
There is always abhorrence at people who diagnose from a distance,
but it is obvious even to the casual observer that Trump, as he has demonstrated by his behaviors, has some serious mental problems


Can somebody please publicly remind Trump of the War Powers Act? Or that only Congress can declare war?



Good grief, Trump’s tough guy act is so totally discredited as to be beyond laughable.


He’s got a new series this am about the Hilary debates with Bernie, poDestA, and fox and friends and leaks.


This tweet refers to the density of producers of Fox and Friends



I, for one, would really prefer an intelligent, thoughtful, deliberative, rational person in the office of President. The chaotic, psychotic reality show needs to end. Will some people in power who care about the future of our country please step forward?


Or at least tell President Bannon that he will be impeached if he tries it.


She did. And she got the most votes, too.


When Faux and Friends say “Mr. President if you’re watching”
They ain’t lyin’
He’s watching
That’s why his tweets are “Fair and Balanced”


unfortunately that isn’t true… while he would need to have Congressional approval to declare war the President has the authority to act unilaterally if he decides that there is an impending immediate danger that requires immediate response…

unintended consequence of electing an ignorant asshole to the presidency…


The Chinese usually don’t respond well to bellicose, moronic threats, Hair Furor.


The main problem I’ve seen is he’s lazy, uninformed, and the only mental problem is NPD. As we’ve all said he’s old, he’s not going to change, and God help us.


I guess Camp David is closed?


The Financial Times asked Trump if he would consider agreeing to removing troops from the Korean peninsula if China agrees to up pressure on North Korea.
“Well if China is not going to solve North Korea, we will. That is all I am telling you,” Trump replied.

Do you think Donald had any idea we had troops in Korea and where Korea is on a map much less the peninsula is? I didn’t and don’t and I don’t think he did or does even now after being asked about it.

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Maybe he could try handing them a bill, or something. That worked superbly with Merkel.


Just as every little 5 year old in the school yard he can’t wait to find an excuse any excuse to use the bomb…

Does Kim Jong Un have a Twitter account?
"Great health care plan, President Trump! The people of North Korea support you!’

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No president has ever acknowledged the constitutionality of the War Powers Resolution. Many have taken steps and sought approvals that are consistent with its provisions, but none has ever acknowledged doing so pursuant to the WPR.

In any case, the WPR only comes into play after 60 days. Trump could incinerate millions of North Koreans, and send a cloud of fallout that blankets Asia and kills thousands or millions more, in thirty minutes. And there is literally nothing, legally or built into the launch code chain of command, to stop him.

Some of us tried and tried and tried to explain the implications of that to the twenty-something purity warriors who hadn’t grown up under the threatening mushrooms the way the old farts had, but they just dismissed it as scaremongering and condescension and kept encouraging people to vote for Stein.

And, worse still, Trump is the kind who only believes in the flash boom burn part of nuclear weapons and thinks fallout is an overrated myth.


I have long been angry about last year’s election, now I’m starting to get scared. The last time we had this kind of ignorance and bellicosity in the White House was Reagan; he at least had some professionals behind the scenes. I guess we will have to hope that Jared Kushner can talk the president* out of launching a nuclear strike. Heaven help us all.