Discussion: Trump Unloads At Freewheeling Alabama Campaign Rally For ‘Big Luther’ Strange

Not only mini hands, but mini FEET too! Love it.

Is Donald Trump’s new platform going to be the hijacking Republican candidates campaign stages. Is this Donald’s new outlet for his rally rage?


The dotard is spinning out of control. Gen Kelly needs to stop the spinning ASAP!

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.

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It would be a relief from the constant struggle to adhere to the moral precept that it is wrong to wish ill upon others.

Auditory fantasy - a whole stadium chanting “DO-tard BLOW-hard. DO-tard BLOW-hard.”

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Thank you, esteemed translator of Dear Comrade Kim Jong Un.

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In addition to that, all citizens will be required to change their underwear every half-hour. Underwear will be worn on the outside so we can check.

I gotta good laugh from that. Ya did good.

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Sick, sick, sick.

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It’s time to handle the problem of conservatives.

When your personal “politics” supersede your humanity, f**k your “politics”…and you!

Donny Dotard thinks he`s still on his reality tv show . No-one*s told him otherwise . Sad .

Don Knotts is what we need right now.

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With friends like Trump, who needs a flaming orange assholes?

[quote=“maheto, post:36, topic:62690, full:true”]
I don’t think we’ll be seeing any championship teams appearing at this White House
[/quote]There’s always polo. Fox News’ own “Missy” Francis† will will wangle the polo players

an invitation.

†-Captain of a polo team–Harvard?

Pres. Trump says if Luther Strange doesn’t win the Alabama GOP runoff primary, he will support the winner; I wonder if McConnell and the RNC will do the same? If Pres. Trump didn’t address this point with McConnell before he endorsed his boy, Luther Strange, Judge Roy Moore’s general campaign finances now become Pres. Trump’s responsibility.

“Trump told a crowd of “several thousand” gathered at the Von Braun Center.”
Trump couldn’t even fill the 10,000 seat Von Braun Center in deep, dark Alabama!

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — President Trump spent the first 25 minutes of a Friday night campaign rally explaining and defending his decision to endorse the Republican establishment’s pick for the Alabama Senate race.
Then, he basically took it all back.
“I might have made a mistake. I’ll be honest, I might have made a mistake,” Trump told a crowd of “several thousand” gathered at the Von Braun Center that cheered much louder for him than for the candidate he was there to support, Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed earlier this year to fill the seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions."

The Von Braun Center (VBC), known as the Von Braun Civic Center (VBCC) until 1997, is a multi-purpose indoor arena, meeting, and performing arts complex, with a maximum arena seating capacity of 10,000, located in Huntsville, Alabama. The original facility debuted in 1975 and has undergone several significant expansions since opening.

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Wasn’t Senator Luther Strange the Alabama Attorney General who got his Senate seat in exchange for disbanding the sexual harassment and abuse of power investigation of the Alabama Governor?

Someone save our country from this shit. He is an utter idiot.

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