He should also have pressed Trump with why he thinks it was illegal and what law she broke, even though the IG report didn’t even hint at anything illegal.
You’re right. It is dismaying that even decent reporters (such as Lester Holt) who ask a serious question quickly accept Trump’s non-answers and then move on to another topic.
Out of cite, out of mind.
On a related note, Drumpf has been unable to cite evidence that anything he says is true or partially true.
“Somebody gave me that information,” Trump said. “I will report back to you.”
Sure, while we’re at it, how about those detectives in Hawaii checking on Obama’s birth certificate?
We don’t call 'em “media whores” for nothing.
That’s a dead issue now that his researchers (read National Enquirer) have moved on to other “issues.”
Brilliant. +1,000.
“I think I read that and I heard it and somebody—” Trump said.
Just like everyone else out there who thinks Hillary is worse than Satan.
And that includes posters here who shall remain nameless.
“I think I read that and I heard it and somebody—”
Was it from your private investigators who have been finding amazing things in Hawaii while trying to expose President Obama over his birth certificate?
It would have also been nice if Holt had asked Trump point blank to cite the specific law that Trump is claiming was broken (hint there is no such law)…?
It was the voices in his head that told him…
His problem is that there is no credible cite for that.
Speaking of hacks, one must assume that Trump doesn’t have any mirrors in his house.
Oh, what a lying fucker – and he needs to be strongly called out every single time he tries to pull something like this. The FBI–no real friend to Clinton or the State Dept.–explicitly stated that Hillary’s home server was NEVER hacked – by anyone. GTHell, Lying Donnie!
Damn it. Too slow again. Ya beat me to it.
Obviously, he was told this by those Private Investigators he sent to Hawaii to get the goods on Obama’s fake birth certificate.
When Holt pressed Trump to say what evidence he’d seen of a hack, Trump struggled to respond.
“I think I read that and I heard it and somebody—” Trump said.
“Where?” Holt asked.
“Somebody gave me that information,” Trump said. “I will report back to you.”
when you constantly remind people that you’re the ‘best’ at everything does it follow that it makes you the best at being the most gullible?
And why doesn’t anyone ask him when we can expect the long-awaited report from his investigators out in Hawaii? I mean, come on! It’s a legitimate question.
He saw it on a Facebook meme, so it must be true.