Discussion: Trump Tweets Video Of Himself Attacking Figure With CNN Logo Edited Over Face

I always thought this photo funny. Little buggers do know how to fly. (They also know how to descend a plane ramp more gracefully than either MANGOTUS or FLOOZUS)


I love that.


This guy is mentally disturbed, what President in our countries history behaves like this Idiot. How can the American people or the world for that matter have respect for someone who acts like he does. Trump has shown to be an habitual liar and untrustworthy of the office he holds. I hold Republicans solely responsible for defending this man, and the agenda he and GOP leadership are trying to push through congress that would hurt most Americans while enhancing the Wealthy and Corporations once again. Every time we get a Republican President, one of the first things they want to do is Cut Taxes for the Rich. Republican only know how to do is cut Social Programs and Cut Taxes, just how many time do taxes need to be cut for the Rich, our infrastructure is crumbing and Trump wants to have the private sector finance it by privatizing roads and bridges so that the people have to pay tolls going to and from work, or going from one part of town to the other. Enough of this BS from Republicans, itā€™s time that the Rich and Corporations pay much more in taxes their tax rate percent taxed should be 60% and no less that 50% after write offs and tax breaks. AFter all the Rich have been having all the breaks for the last thirty seven years.


so it will be something similar, to when he had to duck those California protestors.


I wonder if Trump is literate enough to know what is going on if there are women knitting in the square, awaiting his arrival?


When I heard that Kellyanne was one of the names linked to Smith, an image of her in prison garb flashed through my mind and lifted my spirits for a moment. Kinda sad, I knowā€¦.but a girl can dream.


I am absolutely in agreement here. Make a section called ā€œHis Majestyā€™s Daily Tweetstormā€ and dump it all in there. Let the commentary, reporting and other related brouhaha all live there. Iā€™d be happy to peek in to scan the headlines if nothing elseā€¦

TPM has long been my go-to news site, but Iā€™ve become increasingly disillusioned with the news, even here. Look at the top page of TPM today. Itā€™s 95% Trump. With honorable mention being given to healthcare. And this is all day, every day. Some days itā€™s 100% Trump. For months now! Iā€™m wearyā€¦

In addition to that, the other problem for me is exactly the one you cite. I visit this website regularly (among a number of others), and marvel at how little is being reported from this growing list (and itā€™s not even six months old!) by even our favorite news outlets.


Letā€™s hope Rep. Capuano keeps his seat in the House next year, because no one else that Iā€™ve found is keeping track and keeping a list like this. Take the time to read it, and you will realize just how egregious this Congress and administration really is, and how little we are hearing about the unbelievable shit they are doing ā€˜behind the curtainā€™ while weā€™re all kept focused on the buffoonā€™s antics.

PLEASE! TPM, You might be gunning for a Pulitzer on the ā€œRussia Scandalā€ thing, but we NEED YOU to cover more of ā€œthe man behind the curtainā€ and less of ā€œthe great and terrible Ozā€ā€¦ please!

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Yup. Thereā€™s almost sure to be, as Brits put it ā€˜rowsā€™ and dust-ups.

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Precious. and more dignified and intelligent than what is currently descending the steps of AF1.



actually he retweeted a teenage shitposter, last year.

Until dude realized that he was getting heat, he considered that Trump retweet like it was a gift from God.


He is the worldā€™s laughing stock. Strangely the world understands that all of us arenā€™t him. Thatā€™s likely because the rest of the world has made its fair share of mistakes in choosing leaders or having them chosen for them.




Designed by Ivanka? And would Kellyanne wear heels with hers?


man alive, iā€™m really feeling like AOAā€™s Bishop nowā€¦

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O/T, but Greggie has gotten the attention of WaPo


So Drumpf posts video of a FAKE Donald Trump (itā€™s a body double) engaging in a FAKE altercation, at a FAKE venue (professional wrestling) against a FAKE opponent (Photo shopped CNN logo) to protest so-called FAKE news!

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She will wear hoop earrings. Need something to hook the heels in.


Yep thatā€™s the one. A fake ā€œbad assā€ Trump on a fake wrestling show, and he uses that crap to declare CNN ā€˜fakeā€™ and now (apparently raising the bar), ā€œfraudā€ newsā€¦

Iā€™m sure his ā€˜baseā€™ is eating it up. Like they did his comment, ā€œI could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and I wouldnā€™t lose any votesā€ā€¦ the terrifying thing is, I think heā€™s probably right.

Civil War 2 is comingā€¦ by design.