There were. This morning. In Washington County, UT. Robbing votes from … Evan McMullin.
Donald @ Trump Headquarters:
Melania gazes down at her white dress and thinks, “It is hard to get brain matter out of this?”
And that’s the last anyone ever heard from Donald Trump.
What an ultra maroon.
Of course there are broken voting machines all over the county (AND country), probably at least one in every polling place that has electronic voting machines. And they are not used.
i guess they gave him his twitter account back
Aw hell, someone gave him back his twitter machine.
This is very good news … for comedy writers nationwide.
“Mebbe eef I zoak it in zee clob soda … Should dat I bloat or shcroob?”
What a stooge …
It’s the working ones he needs to worry about ! —
he thinks you have to go to one machine to vote Hillary and a different machine to vote Cheeto Donnie and it’s the Cheeto Donnie ones that aren’t working… he keeps trying to put in a quarter and they only take the $1 coin…
Without an “r”, DJT, you can only gab pussy.