Again, time to 25th the 45th…
Donnie is going off the deep end, and he’ll take us with him.
Let’s make covfefe great again.
his accidentally tweeting gibberish,
Big deal. It wasn’t authentic frontier gibberish.
garbage in, garbage out
No covfefe, no covfefe, you’re the covfefe!
Donny knows where to grab for the pussy, but Melania’s frowns are proof he never quite figured out where her covfefe is.
…and the media spends an entire day puzzling over a typo, while ignoring stuff like the withdrawal from the Paris accords and the Russian takeover of the US Governement…
President Donald Trump on Wednesday tried to play off what appeared to have been his accidentally tweeting gibberish
After everything else the dolt-in-chief has been tweeting “covfefe” does not warrant special attention as an example of his gibberish.
This is not a typo. A typo is when you hit an errant key. This was something way beyond a typo. What it was I’m not even going to bother to speculate on. But please don’t call him keying in “covfefe,” and then electing to send it, a “typo.”
This morning after reading a NYT story about the inability of the White House to hire staff and the frustration of the current staff, I mindlessly looked out my kitchen window. A squirrel jumped down from the utility lines behind our house onto the detached garage. As I watched a bit longer, it started scurrying from corner to corner desperately trying to find a way off the roof.
I smiled as I thought the squirrel has much in common with many in the White House.
you say potato, I say po-tah-toe
— Ziwe (@ziwe) May 31, 2017
you say tomato, I say to-mah-toe
you say covfefe, I say that's stupid
The answer is on your QUERTY keyboard. Use your eyes and brain!
Oh, Kaleigh. Is there enough air for that brain of yours on the planet you inhabit? (I just realized that her problem is that she has too much air in her haid and not much else.)
Good grief.
Edit: The “left” and all other directions are laughing at Trump, you moron.
Gibberish? Trump is no Lewis Carroll. But he does remind me of Scott Brown.
Gibberish At Midnight
I know that was a Nancy Drew title…Bess and Ned get contact highs as Nancy solves a tough drug smuggling case.
The shades of night were falling fast,
As through a bigly golf-course passed.
A putz, who drove, 'mid grass and vice,
A golf cart with the strange device, Covfefe!
With apologies to H.W. Longfellow.