Discussion: Trump Tweets From Vacation: 'Mitch, Get Back To Work'

It’s a bit cheap calling this a vacation given the White House is more or less closed . As I understand it trump does his best work from the golf course…

Am just loving the pressure on Mitch.

She and some clones are also live and well on Facebook. This is about one-third of the screed

We had to put up with a Communist/Muslim/Kenyan for 8 years, literally destroying every aspect of a free America, Trump is going no where, nothing to impeach him for, he is improving our county in every way, and not taking a salary for it, not spending over one and a half billion dollars on lavish vacations like the Obama’s, and not only improving the greatest military in the world after BO tore it down to before WWII standards, but improving the economy, unemployment at an all time low, protecting us from the evil of ISLAM that would kill everyone of you leftist, especially the women and Gays, and you spit in Trump’s face for protecting you?

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Thanks for the link, I wasn’t aware of that.

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I’d tell Trump to get back to work, but he’s fleecing the country just fine from New Jersey.


yet another headline that’s already in joke form


Me too. The more pressure PP applies, the more he alienates Congress. The more he alienates Congress, the less likely it is he’ll get any of his agenda approved. The less likely it is he can get his agenda through Congress, the more frustrated and unhinged he becomes. The more unhinged he becomes, the more likely it becomes that Congress will cut bait.


Please remind me when Trump was elected “President of the Senate”? He is such a moron…I do hope McConnell responds by inviting the Vulgar Talking Yam to perform an anatomically-impossible act.


Does Don even get how ridiculous he and his tweets are?
Seriously, is Don that mentally damaged that he does not comprehend … much …
and can’t stop himself…

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As your mind already has.

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One wonders, can a person have negative respect for someone?

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Trump is currently at his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he is spending a 17-day working vacation.

Won’t Agent Orange harm all of the vegetation at the golf course?

Ditto, didn’t know about this, thanks.

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Hair Füror and McConnell are such a cute couple. I hope we see more of them. :smile:


Hey Dumpy Littlefinger - this is one turtle you don’t want to keep poking.

Ha - you think going after Mitch will alienate congress? We’ll see.

Yeah I know mine has, but I want his mind along with the rest of him to go also!

Mitch responded by asking the Don when/if he might get started being a real President.

It’s not enough to assume all Democrats were going to vote no, but she really meant it and got an airplane with all the problems that implies to stand behind her intentions.

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