Discussion: Trump Tries To Clean Up Foreign Dirt Comments

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" Don*t worry Mr Presidunce , we will help you out of this mess you created " .


Brawndo. It’s got what plants crave.


“But nobody is going to say bad things to me, they know I’m a very straight player, they know one thing about me: I love the country more than anything.”

Posted without comment.

Because there’s not enough time or space to list all the ways this is laughable.


Note to Fox News: fake president needs to repudiate not clarify his comments. You’re dealing with a silk purse, sow’s ear problem - good luck with that, comrades.


His comments to Stephanopoulos are an inflection point in this election cycle. It did communicate something profound to Americans across the country. It’s unsettling. We now expect that Trump will cheat to make up any gap between himself and the Democratic nominee. He will also offer to his GOP members running on the ballot that they’ll be beneficiaries too if they just shut their mouths.


Hair Twitler can tapdance all he wants – the curtain has been pulled back and the illusion destroyed.

@khyber900 is right: this is an inflection point.


Trump replied. “But nobody is going to say bad things to me, they know I’m a very straight player…

Don't. Just don't.

By this afternoon the mob boss will be claiming he would call the FBI, correctly stating that he is no John Gotti. Meanwhile, everyone else will be wondering why there aren’t huge chinks in his Teflon and why he hasn’t yet spent a single day in jail.


“I don’t think anybody would present me with anything because they know how much I love the country myself,”

There, that’s more like it.


Naw. Just wait for the next scandal, he’ll have a new and even more egregious thing out by the end of the day.


Ted Cruz should have accepted the campaign dirt on Trump offered by the lizard people from Alpha Draconis.


William Barr’s silence on this matter is deafening.


“But nobody is going to say bad things to me, they know I’m a very straight player, they know one thing about me: I love the country more than anything.”

But they don’t love your country and that’s why they try to help you win.


The Right firmly believes the intel communty and the FBI had it out for Trump, and dreamed up foreign meddling within his campaign, as a smear effort and to besmirch and scuttle his Presidency.

During the next campaign wouldn’t it be perfectly reasonable for the FBI to embed people within Trump’s campaign, going so far as to monitor phone and computer communications, in response to his statements about welcoming foreign opposition research, and his willingness to use it? If, after or during the election, such a monitoring effort was discovered, what the hell kind of legitimate reasoning could Trump even cite in objecting to it?

If three guys are overheard planning a bank robbery, does anyone get upset if the police keep tabs on them? We’d sure as hell have zero sympathy if the plotters bitched about a violation of their rights and privacy.


Here’s a lesson for history buffs in the future on how weasels weasel.

We actually get to observe the inner weasel-working of Trump’s whole weasel machine.

This sounded like the Waffler in Chief and his Hardy Band of Weasels, working their next waffle.

If if is squeaks like a weasel, its a weasel.


Oh, by ‘inflection point’ I did not mean “end of scandals”. It goes without saying that we’re still in a race to the bottom (if there is one at the moment, still to be determined).

I simply mean that I think some things will be different from here on out.


This simply tells us that Trump is not a real Dictator yet. A real one would have said:

“Yeah…I said it. Live with it.”


Oh, I understood you. I’m just saying that I think it’s not one, as every time we’ve hit some scandal with him that should be an inflection point, he comes out with a newer/bigger/better scandal that makes everyone forget about the last scandal.

For example, if he bombs Iran this weekend, precisely nobody (outside of us at TPM) will be talking about his foreign dirt comments…


How is what he originally said not the equivalent to what Durst said to the mirror?