Discussion: Trump Totally Bungles Attempt To Fact-Check Lester Holt On Stop And Frisk

She could’ve said…leabing into the MIC. We all know HOW Donald deals with facts…HE DOESN’T. HE should never have the last word.

Get DOWN AND DIRTY HILLARY, my god she has so much she could throw at the DUMB ASS. He so fuck’g stupd.

You’ve got to be f’ing kidding me!


I’ve been playing the drinking game…

More minority outreach from Steve Bannon Presents the Trump Campaign. Heckuva job, Donnie.

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I got BINGO.

I can’t wait for tomorrow’s fact checks…

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We just got home from watching. The first twenty minutes were not great.

After that, just letting Trump and Hillary talk was perfect, with just a bit from Lester Holt.

She totally won that. The more Trump talked, the more crazy he got.



Trump wants Chicago to be subjected to Stop & Frisk when the Windy City is and always will be an American city, therefore the U.S. Constitution applies there the same as in San Diego, Anchorage or Maui… Americans are Americans no matter where and the Constitution applies the same to everyone of us. Law & Order my hairy ass.

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Hillary sliced the Don up real good tonight.


Like watching Baby Jane Hudson when the stsge lights were turned on.

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I thought Holt 's role was just right, so kudos to him.


One of the themes of the Trump camp is that Trump is the candidate of change. That’s ridiculous. That is, unless change means going back to the 1920s and the door to door con-man.


again, drumpfy is never wrong, it is his advisors and researchers that have provided him bad information.

Fact check and denial, not the same beasts.

Trump is slinging BS and talking to the only people that hear him, the alt right, pro-white, afraid of night, flying the KKK kite, racists pricks.

Coincidence that stop and frisk is unconstitutional for targeting blacks, I…Don’t…Think…So!


Trump may be partaking a bit of the nose candy? sniff…sniff…


The best part about tonight? Even Andrea Mitchell was nowhere to be seen after that beat-down of Trump. Did she have to crawl back to her crypt?


For a while, I thought Trump was legit having a stroke. The gasping, the drinking of so much water, the stammering, the babbling incoherently, then the moaning – all that was missing was him asking Lester if someone was burning toast.

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If you’re black, brown and down with being stopped and frisked in your town, vote for the Yam, he’s your man.


I wish I was speechless but my head isn’t going to shut up for a while after this shit. The babble that man is able to produce is remarkable. I’ve seen…heck, I’ve BEEN…that guy on shrooms managing to talk more coherently than he does. It’s fucking amazing it gets a pass. Trying to process it as it takes place is almost impossible. It’s a sea of idiocy washing over you like he’s waterboarding you with verbal diarrhea and you can’t catch your breath until he finishes vomitting, but just as you’re taking that breath he spews the last phrase again for repetition’s sake and it gets in your mouth, and you can taste it and it’s making your eyes water and the flavor and the smell and you have to vomit back, crying out in rage and rejection and utter soul wrenching disgust. I feel like I’m still spitting it out.


Actually, she was there, fulsomely complementing Hillary. That’s how much of a wipeout tonight was for Trump.


Wow – I guess I was so happy I didn’t even notice her. Maybe, like others in the legion of the undead, she has to be invited into one’s home before she can enter?