A couple of quick thoughts: “Oversight” is beyond Trump’s intellectual horizon. And keeping Chaffetz from talking about it is a good way to shut him up. Which is not a bad thing.
I keep reaching for the remote to change the channel. This movie is neither plausible nor entertaining.
Trump to Chaffetz: feel free to investigate anything you want
Of course.
What are they trying to do to the post office now? It is a public service, not a for-profit enterprise. If it loses money, then charge a buck a stamp…still a lot cheaper than paying FedEX or someone six bucks to deliver a card to granny out in the middle of nowhere.
These a$$#0!es don’t have any concept of doing what is right for the people of their districts or this country–and no, I am not just realizing that, I am just astonished that they keep targeting these types of entities–public schools, the post office, what next?
Of course no oversight. What kind of self dealing traitorous sexual predator would ever want a spotlight shined on his activities?
“…feel free to investigate anything you want…”
“Just make sure it has absolutely NOTHING to do with me, ok little Jason? Because if you do…wait a minute… Chaffetz…what kind of a name is that? I need to see your paper…”
"Before my bum even hit the chair, the president said,
'No oversight. You can’t talk about anything that has
to do with oversight,'" Chaffetz told reporters following
his meeting with Trump, according to Politico.
And then he put his quarter in the dRump chair, and sat down —
Alternate Headline: Trump Utters Subliminal Message to Chastised and Chafed Chaffetz
The USPS has a strong union.
I’d like to make an intelligent informed comment but the principles here—Trump and Chaffetz are neither
intelligent or informed.
We have a job to do and we’re going to do it.
I checked my GOPese to English Lexicon, because I couldn’t figure out what sense Chaffeckless was using job. I am still not sure what sense he used the term.
GOPese to English Lexicon
JOB, (n, sing.)
- We are going to shit all over something.
- Investigate Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server.
- Investigate Benghaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazi (q.v.)
- Invoke the Reagan commandment (q.v.), cubed.
- Thou shalt speak no evil of another Republican office holder.
- (when cubed) Thou shalt neither see, hear nor speak evil of another Republican office holder.
N.B.: There is an exception to both forms of this rule for Orange Shitgibbons. Orange Shitgibbons can say any damned thing they want about anyone, except to say, or even think nice things about Democratic office holders.
ETA: I am the only one to notice that Jason Chaffeckless looks like all three monkeys?
Last few sessions when they were refusing to legislate while Obama was president, pretty much all they did was to name post offices to honor folks in their jurisdictions
PATCO was a strong union, too. Reagan fixed that when they voted to strike.
I hope the postal workers are smarter than that. Just work to rules, guys and gals. Work to the rules.
Knowing Chaffetz’ experience with NuSkin, I’m sure he wants to turn the USPO into a multi-level, Saves on salaries, benefits, buildings, trucks, etc.
These aren’t the most glamorous stories, but I’ve got a hunch that these are the stories that will end up bringing trump down. People in ethics and oversight roles who could provide trump invaluable advice to help him protect his butt and then provide him cover when he is engaged in questionable activities. But he’s gonna alienate them / ignore them because of who he is, and it’ll hurt him bigly.
President Dog Vomit and this sniveling little worm will make Amerika grate again!
Yep, if Chaffetz and his ilk have even slightly larger than average egos (which I think is a given), they’ll end up going after trump. It’s like telling a federal judge that he needs to shut up because he’s so-called or Mexican.
Well, one can hope.
Jason Chaffetz’ Oversight Committee has never been about oversight, so no change there. Also no surprise.
As for the USPS, it’s been on GOP radar for years. Again, no surprise.
Chaffetz voted for and was instrumental in slashing over $300 million in funding from the State Department in 2012, funds specifically earmarked for embassy and diplomatic security overseas.
Within a few months, Benghazi.
And then he “investigated” and went on a multiple-year fishing boodoggle to pin his own treason on Hillary Clinton. And, rather successfully, as we now have the piss-haired shit gibbon polluting the Whitehouse.
And now tRump pats him on the head, says “good boy, well done” … and, “By the way, why don’t you look into securing our embassies and diplomatic missions? It might be embarrassing or something if something like that happened under my watch. But, at least I know I don’t have to worry about any investigations when it does.”
Because, Obama did it. All by himself, Obama went into the Congress and took over the budgeting legislation with his ebil Kenyan Executive Ordering Powers. The Mad Black Emperor. From Kenya. He did it. And those betrayal judges in the judiciary.