Once again proving he can become even more vile if you wait 24 hours.
Pfft. And you thought there was a bottom.
Enough said.
Seriously, federal bureaucrats in Washington have ordered us to stop talking.
Please click to a nice article about how smoothly the White House is running. Thank you for your voluntary cooperation.
“The policy has been derided as a “gag rule” by abortion rights supporters and medical groups, and it is likely to trigger lawsuits that could keep it from taking effect.”
Sorry to say this, but fuck the AP.
In typical fashion, they first describe an action that is, by any objective standard, a gag rule, and then proceed to “inform” us that one side “derides” it as a “gag rule.”
But Dumpy , as you don`t know the difference between HPV and HIV …
All of this because abortions are 3% of what Planned Parenthood does.
Planned Parenthood provides cancer screening services for 300,000+ women and men each year. Their education and contraceptive services prevent nearly 600,000 unwanted pregnancies each year. They are a primary source of health care for many poor and disadvantaged people.
I’m sure these services will be replaced by Trump and the Republicans in any locations where facilities are forced to close, so existing people do not suffer and die.
This is part 1 of Trumpcare
Need to subpeona the women he forced to have unprotected sex and see how many abortions he paid for…His mother should have taken a wire coat hanger to this slime…Done the World a favor…but they did banish him to NY Miltary school…Did not work…
This is Mike Pence at work, Donald doesn’t care one bit about abortions…
Having failed to learn from the women’s marches, and seemingly unable to count or do the people’s will, these bozos continue to enrage half the population along with the enlightened members of the other half. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind, you fundie morons. That’s in your own book, you brain-deads.
So, any clinic that says “Do not have an abortion,” will be defunded?
Prohibited from “discussing”?
Would it be legal to
– pass a clipboard and pencil back and forth?
– leave the woman alone with materials open on the desk?
– play charades?
It’s appalling that this is even under consideration.
Yes I would agree that Pence has a hand in this but Trumpy also stated that women who get abortions must be punished. And so I think if he has paid for abortion it’s because of his entitlement, not because he doesn’t care about abortion.
This action isn’t just a war on women and women’s rights. It’s a war on families. It’s FAMILY planning, and it involves all members of each family. Do men really want to work around their female partners having reduced (or no) options or access to birth control? Will it mean abstinence only or condoms becomes the prescribed methods of family planing in the U.S. Or maybe those “natural” methods that inevitably lead to more mouths to feed? (What do you call people who use the Rhythm Method? Parents.)
Really? We go back to the way it was in the 1950s or earlier? 1850? 350?
And where are the men in this discussion? When will husbands start realizing that depriving their wives of family planning options, including abortion, will affect them negatively as well? And when the bloody hell will those men start saying to their representatives, “Leave it alone. This is absolutely NONE of your F**king Business!” When do we start hearing from them?
Would it make a difference for these cretin Congress Critters (and Captain Cretin himself) to hear it from men too, or will they continue to be testosterone poisoned to the point of national and international cruelty?
Just when I think they have hit bottom they do something like this. There is no end to the destruction this foul bunch can do.
Exactly. Abortion is an issue his base cares about and that he can use to gin up stupid people. Much like gun rights, he couldn’t care less about abortion. But a (seemingly) wealthy man who has slept with at least one porn star unprotected has undoubtedly paid for a number of abortions.
Excellent post. I’ve long wondered the same thing.
I’m forever unclear on this issue. Abortion is a legal medical procedure. Could the government decide doctors that receive government funds in some fashion be banned from discussing an appendectomy with their patients?
Pull the mini Constitution out of your pocket, GOPer.
It"s the very first Amendment.
If abortion opponents actually cared about the children, they would spend their time and money trying to make it easier for people to raise their kids - as well as support scientific research that prevents unwanted pregnancies before they can even happen. (No, abstinence doesn’t count; particularly since sexual assault is, you know, a thing.)
Moreover, if they were truly “pro-life” they would be apalled at the increasing lethality of pregnancy in a supposed first world country.
Heaven forbid the mother dies during child birth. Because then the kid should be facing man slaughter charges - as a minor, of course; you know, if they want to apply their moral standards, it should be universal; in fact, if someone dies during a pregnancy that was unwanted and could have been terminated, but laws were introduced that interfered with such, the. Pro life advocates ought to be held fiscally, morally, and criminally responsible. Never kind the mindfuck that fact will have on the child.
Basically, instead of forcing someone into existing - and thus forcing them to be psychologically tortured (it will know it was unwanted, will know it’s a burden) … as well as possibly forcing it to live a life of poverty (if the forced- or foster parent can’t (or won’t) afford it), and maybe even physical abuse (given the intersection of poverty, stress, and resentment, etc., etc.) - they should work to remove the reasons that someone would need or want to get an abortion.
But they don’t care about anyone beyond themselves and their false righteousness. It isn’t about anyone but them.
Yes, if laws are passed to give personhood to the appendix.