Trump told Jewish leaders on a conference call last week that his team is working very hard to achieve a peace agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians and that he hoped to see “significant progress” on a deal before the end of the year.
Deadlines aren’t his best thing.
I can’t wait to hear if he manages to insinuate mention of his election victory and/or disparage Hillary in his address. Then again, given his flaccid delivery of prepared remarks, maybe someone with a stronger stomach than mine will listen for me and report back.
Don’t forget the shoe, Mr. President. Pound the lectern with a shoe to make your point. In fact, use one of those heels that your personal assistant from Slovenia wears.
Nothing like going to somebody’s home and telling them just exactly how ugly their baby is.
In a house this big, there will be a lot of babies for him to insult.
How long following the speech before Trump either claims credit for fixing the heretofore weak, failing United Nations … or tweets madly about the refusal of the terrible, rigged United Nations to follow his demands and vote in the interest of the U.S.?
I just imagine him in these meetings daydreaming about being anywhere but at that meeting, probably most likely being on a golf course somewhere.
I don’t see any reason why this would be an either/or situation. He’s perfectly capable of doing both in the same breath.
Good point.
I have prepared a suitable briefing to bring him up to speed.
The majority of Americans are more than happy to see those cheap hats burned and a favorable solution for Dreamers.
I’m tired of hearing about the poor fee-fees of the racists and bigots in this country.
Prepare to be embarrassed. Prepare to be embarrassed. Prepare to be embarrassed…
Absolutely nothing positive will result from this. America First defies the entire collective purpose of the United Nations. T rump will solidify his place in the hearts and minds of the world’s citizens as being just as bonkers and dangerous as Kim Jong Un. Nothing good will come from this. Nothing good.