Hmm… I think, for once, the press is unlikely to cut away to from coverage to watch Trump speak…
CNN will do split screen with subtitles. They can’t kick.
Just a few bumps along the Road to Theocracy.
It wouldn’t be inappropriate to add the remaining three deadly sins - wrath, envy and sloth. They all seem fitting for this pig-eyed sack of shit.
God botherers get their reward.
Extra sloth please.
Don’t forget to bring a big copy of THE map. People need to be reminded about your fantastic win.
Now Fox will have something to cut to every time a Democrat asks Comey something. I mean, besides a commercial for transferring all your worldly assets into gold.
I’d steer clear of the podium.
OT: Is it just me or does anyone else wonder “Where’s @uggswell_p_gravel?” every time they see @phillydave’s avatar?
I miss Ugg.
Story on my TL yesterday:
Right before the Inauguration, Rump asked two Presbyterian ministers if they were Evangelicals because he did so well with them. They said no, they belonged to the same religion that Rump claimed to be with, Presbyterian.
Rump then asked them if they were Christians.
Not. a. joke.
Miss Kitty bought a puppy. All my worldly assets are being invested in chew toys.
WWJG Who would Jesus grope?
First 2 Corinthians, now 2 Presbyterians
Well… if he is speaking, he isn’t tweeting…
Look, I know it’s a “Conservative Christian Conference” and all, but seriously, who thought this would be a good idea?