Discussion: Trump To Push Tax Overhaul Agenda Next Week In Missouri

All of Trumpā€™s agenda initiatives are like trying to push cooked spaghetti from one end expecting the other end to go forward. Sadā€¦

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Missouri, makes sense. I wonder if heā€™s going to make any of these appearances in blue states.

Springfield, MO. is now the driving force of Missouri politics, also known as the bible belt, and there is a large population of white nationalists, so perfect for Trumpā€™s visit.

ā€œAdministration officials have said that lowering personal and business tax rates will lead to millions of new jobs and spur faster economic growth.ā€ I wonder why with aim in mind Trump didnā€™t go to Kansas to push for this?

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Weā€™ve got a really, really great plan for tax reform. But first, I want to talk about No Good Joni Ernst and Lousy Loser Bob Corker. And then the Jeff Bezos Amazon Washington Post. And then how much I respect Kim Jong-un for respecting me. And then Angela Merkel, am I right?..



Itā€™s not Tax Reform, itā€™s not Tax Overhaul, itā€™s Cut Taxes for the Very, Very Rich.

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What agenda? 45 is too lazy to actually create any actual policy. All he can do is spout generic meaningless phrases that mean nothing. Thereā€™s no point to this.

Oops; sorry-for a minute there I was thinking of him as an actual politician.


Administration officials have said that lowering personal and business tax rates will lead to millions of new jobs and spur faster economic growth.

ā€œAnd,ā€ they added, ā€œsmoking marijuana will make it easier to believe this.ā€

ETA: Moving to Kansas will also help.


Trump is too stupid, and erratic to stay on message in front of a crowd. The opportunity to get his ego massaged by a cheering crowd wonā€™t allow him to talk policy without veering into his usual carny sideshow act!

How can someone this dumb possibly deliver a tax policy speech? It canā€™t be done! It wonā€™t be done!


ā€œAdministration officials have said that lowering personal and business tax rates will lead to millions of new jobs and spur faster economic growth.ā€

And yet it DOESNā€™T!

Lord have MERCY these GOP hucksters are like meth addicts with their trickle down economic nonsense! PUT DOWN THE PIPE, Republicans, please! That old tv show ā€œInterventionā€ could have devoted a whole season to shit-for-brains GOPers addicted to this backwards and ruinous notion and sending them off to Economics Rehab 101.

Itā€™s a good thing that changes in the tax system donā€™t require legislation. Trump will be signing his one-page-tax plan as an Executive Order next week insteadā€¦

If it turns out tax changes do require legislation, itā€™s still not a problem that Treasury is unstaffed.

Trump has assigned Bannon to start working on it.ā€œBecause the immigration bill was very, very beautiful.ā€


If it is necessary to ā€˜repeal and replaceā€™ the A.C.A. (Obamacare), then why is it not necessary to ā€˜repeal and replaceā€™ taxes?
If ā€˜tax reformā€™ is acceptable, they why is ā€˜Obamacare reformā€™ not acceptable?

I canā€™t wait to hear Trump lay out his comprehensive tax reform plan.

Looks like the Prez is going to have to ā€œGo Fund Meā€ his wall.

Ah, Republican reform,LOL. It means lowering taxes for Trump (even though he pays no taxes) and other rich people. the Middle Class will get little or no relief, Corporations will get lots of relief from the 35% corporate tax even though no of them pay that much. The national debt? Forget it.

In Springfield, he can spend much of the hour ā€œexplainingā€ (with dramatically revealed notes!) what he said in Phoenix and call out the Fake Media for lying about Phoenix (i.e. the smaller than capacity crowd getting bored, checking phones, leaving early to beat the rush out of the parking garages, etc.).

Then, at the next Rally, he can spend much of the hour ā€œexplainingā€ what he said in Springfield . . .

Administration officials have said that lowering personal and business
tax rates will lead to millions of new jobs and spur faster economic
Has anybody considered what those tax cuts would do to the national deficit and debt? Seems thatā€™s something to conveniently ignore as long as the already rich get their bank accounts fattened.

He already has. Everybody should be able to do their taxes on a postcard. Thatā€™s what Ryan said.

This will be the financial version of Ocare repeal - an unrealistic proposal of massive tax cuts for corporations and rich people that jeopardizes the countryā€™s economy and has no shot of passing. When it fails, Trump and his sycophants get another chance to blame everybody else for not cooperating despite the fact heā€™s the real obstructionist.

After multiple failed attempts at repeal and replace the GOP is now taking its tried and true tax policy to the ACA - cuts, cuts, and more cuts will lead to millions of more people with health insurance.