Trump himself was a critic of the Ex-Im Bank, which is the federal
government’s export credit agency and has been labeled a form of
“corporate welfare” by some conservatives. His views reportedly changed
after a meeting with former Boeing Jim McNerney Tuesday, CNBC reported, and he now favors keeping the Ex-Im Bank authorized.
“Actually, it’s a very good thing. And it actually makes money, it could make a lot of money,” Trump told the Wall Street Journal Wednesday.
Issues are hard!
Trump To Nominate Export-Import Bank Opponent To Head Export-Import Bank
Nice headline TPM.
Another nitwit.
Yesterday there was some discussion here as to whether these appointments-Pruitt, Betsy and innumerable others, most recently this guy, were deliberately obnoxious. Answer: where there’s this much venom, there’s a nest of snakes somewhere. The difference here is that Big Business really loves the eximbank–helps develop customers in new markets. The eximbank isn’t going anywhere. This guy is a vacuous talking head for the Anti-global crowd, etc.
I don’t believe for one minute that Garrett has all of a sudden seen the light on Ex-Im Bank. I think he’s saying that so he can get through the Senate hearings and eventually chew away at it from within.
Rump isn’t some unwitting dupe in nominating him. He agrees 100% that Ex-Im Bank needs to go and go it shall. Anyone on Wall Street who thought that either Rump or Garret has changed their stance is a fool.
Trump: This is an extension of my policies to hiring those who will destroy America. I learned this from Putin. He is very happy with my decisions.
Just another example of a fox in the henhouse with this Administration.
Pruitt at EPA, Price at HHS, Devos at Education, and the infamous Miller on women’s issues.
They want to destroy the institutions of government from the inside.
President Xi explained that to him.
Kushners plate is full?
One cannot expect Trump to know things about stuff.
Yep, President Who-Knew
Time off for Passover
He’s a very efficient worker.
Check out how he found an economic adviser for Javanka’s dad:
With a little more industry, he could pump out a book per year, like Niall Ferguson.
Democrats gotta take the gloves off. When they get the presidency back, get someone from Black Lives Matter to head DOJ Civil Rights Division, Tommy Chong at DEA, etc.
Samuel L. Jackson for prez,
What the home folks think
"President Donald Trump on Friday nominated ex-Rep. Scott Garrett to become president of the Export-Import Bank, an agency the former lawmaker once called “the epitome of crony capitalism.”
Garrett and other House Republican conservatives fought the bank, which provides government-backed loans to help U.S. businesses sell their products overseas. Last year, the bank helped support $8 billion in U.S. exports and an estimated 52,000 U.S. jobs, according to its annual report."
In related news, Trump considers appointing Jenny McCarthy as head of the CDC.
Oh, I think he would have the sense of irony to give that one to Jill Stein.
After all, she’s very progressive on vaccines.
From his wiki page:
" According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Garrett was one of five House challengers and incumbents who relied more on the financial world to fund his 2016 election campaign than most others running for a House seat, raising $213,755 from the securities and investment industry compared to $170,752 on average.[9]"
The Securities and Investment Industry LOVES the ExImBank. Republican Congressmen from the entire Tri-State area, are OWNED by the industry. They shoot their mouths off, but they know who pays them.
Let’s concentrate on guys like Pruitt who are killing people. This guy is a zero.
Fun fact:Garret’s daughters are homeschooled.