“And don’t mention the wall!”
Donald J Trump is “tough” the way that Chris Christie is “tough.”
Like, you know…“not.”
If Democrats can’t hang this albatross around Trump’s neck, all hope is lost.
They’re bullies. Classic bullies.
I thought I’d dropped my last jaw at this man, but this is the most stunning article I’ve read this year. It would be administration-sinking for any other administration. The content is shocking, the fact that the content was leaked is equally shocking. The president admitting he lied to the American people and literally asking a foreign actor to not divulge that he knew it and planned on continuing to lie to the American people. Because it would be bad for him politically.
After all the Russia craziness, you have to step back and really look at that on its lonesome. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ASKING ANOTHER HEAD OF STATE TO NOT LET SLIP TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THAT HE WAS LYING TO THEM.
This happened, in so many words.
“I understand you well, Mr. President.”
Champagne dreams and caviar nights…
My guess is General Kelly leaked this.
So, Gen. Kelly. How’s that new job treatin’ ya?
The Washington Post is on a mission. Yay for the Washington Post!
And the comments there, by the way, are scathing.
That Kelly Administration is running smoothly. These leaks likely came from, or were confirmed by, the WH. Glad it’s happening. Too much secrecy in DC. Need more transparence on everything.
Kelly gaslighting Trump - leaky gaslights at that!
And how many rallies has he had with his adoring fans since that call in January, at which “the wall” has been talked about, and the chants rise up, and Mexico will pay for it…Drip, drip, drip - those approval numbers are sure to go up now.
"Righteousness is a wide path. Self-righteousness is a bull horn and a blind fold."
So much to be appalled by. But possibly the most appalling thing is how much at this early date Turnbull and Pena Nieto are assumed they treat Jared as the Secretary of State.
To Pena Nieto, he lies about New Hamsphire, as well as the size of his support among Latinos and the size of his rallies.
where have you been? While I agree it might sink other administrations and it is bad, I wouldn’t rate this in the top 20 most-stunning revelations this year. He is caught in a new lie every day…
That we’re even reading these transcripts shows the level of loathing people all throughout the government have for Donnie. It’s incredible.
Trump assures Pena Nieto that he could, in essence, “pull a Maduro.”
But will his constituents care or even believe?