Discussion: Trump To Megyn Kelly: I Regret Insulting John McCain, Carly Fiorina

This was the big Trump/Kelly interview they’ve been pimping for weeks?


He regrets the backlash, not the insulting.


Yeah, I guess so

Quick, someone get me a Kleenex…


“Yeah, I guess so” is not the equivalent of “I regret insulting John McCain and Carly Fiorina”. It’s more like a petulant child being ordered to apologize to someone by their mother…

“Donny, are you sorry you hit John?” “Yeah, I guess so”


[Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Tuesday night he regrets attacking Carly Fiorina for her appearance and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for being a prisoner of war.]

Until 10 PM?

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This is quite charming.

No you don’t, you liar.


Donald would kill for her hair styling secrets…


He continued: “***But to look back and say, ‘gee whiz, I wish I didn’t do this or that,***’ I don’t think that’s good. I don’t even think, in a certain way, ***I don’t even think that’s healthy.***”

Just to wrap up - self examination and learning from mistakes is …unhealthy


This is a man who, according to him, has never asked for forgiveness for anything in his life. To do so would imply that he somehow did or said or omitted something that he later believed to have been a mistake. And Donnie can’t admit that anything he’s ever done isn’t the best/greatest/most amazing (really, I could go on but what’s the point…) thing anyone has ever said or done.

How the FundiGelicals, who are all about the redemption story arc, can get behind this clearly sociopathic skid mark is clearly beyond me.


I Regret Insulting John McCain, Carly Fiorina

unless… you know… my poll numbers go up… then I was right…


i’m getting tired of these crappy overly reductive semi-misleading headlines at TPM. headlines by nature are reductive. but TPM readers are smart and interested and don’t need misleading eye grabbing summaries to click on a story.

the main gist of his response seems to be that he’s not very regretful about it. Something along the lines of “Donald Trump partially regrets insulting John McCain, Carly Fiorina” would be more honest and just as clickable.

the reason it bothers me is that even though I read the article and know that he sort of barely admitted to barely regretting it, I can’t get the headline out of my mind. even though i’m smart, it skews the overall impression i leave with.

okay, rant over. I just wish the headlines corresponded more with the story.


This is a chronic problem, but if I’m not mistaken the headline writer is a different person than the feature writer. The first is looking to be snappy and attention grabbing, the latter is trying to present a story. The goals rarely meet each other.


It’s become Trumping Points Memo, go figure.


On a positive note, at least the headline was spelled correctly. :wink:


Lying then or lying now? My money’s on lying now.

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Megyn Kelly’s new hairdo is inspired by those of German female prison guards of the early-mid 1940s. It is timely given Tramp’s political views and am sure it is helping Megyn’s ratings with the Fox audiences, which have shifted nearly as far right as Germany in the 1940s.

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I’d say Trump partially regretted it then immediately walked it back. “But to look back and say, ‘gee whiz, I wish I didn’t do this or that,’ I don’t think that’s good.” Can you genuinely regret something and at the same time not wish you hadn’t done it? I don’t think so.

My headline would be: Trump to Megyn Kelly: Yes, No, Kinda Maybe. I Don’t Regret Insulting McCain and Fiorina.


“Yeah, I guess so, but it’s sick and unhealthy to actually regret in any serious, ongoing way the wronging of others” is to ethical behavior what eating a fucking taco bowl is to Hispanic outreach.