And Trump tchotchkes will sell like hotcakes.
The person holding the “P” in this picture will not be invited to any more rallies.
Trump misses his rallies-governing bores the shit out of him. He loves hearing the rubes cheer when he says his stupid slogans. This is what we will be getting a steady diet of instead of actual press conferences - rallies and tweets.
God save us.
Tasteless fuck. Plus, when the massive protests start fucking up his self-congratulatory ego masturbation, well, I think we might just get our first taste of just how police state he thinks he can go.
ain’t those sycophants fun? governing is like …WORK!
Hired for any more rallies**
Ah yes, his first farewell tour, the first of a continuing series.
It will be like Evita’s “Rainbow Tour”. Hope he takes Malaria with him. They we can have a reprise of the best lines in “Rainbow.”
“Did you hear that? They called me a whore. They actually called me a WHORE!”
“But Senora Peron, it’s an easy mistake. I’m still called an admiral, yet I gave up the sea long ago!”
So instead of taking intelligence briefings, he’s been planning Nuremberg, Part Deux?
What an asshole.
I don’t know at what moment each and every Trump voter will finally realize he or she has been conned by a mentally ill ignoramus clown-brained chiseling crook. But I wish I could be there every time to see the looks on the faces. You could have had a proper President who would have tried to help you, you stupid fucks. But no. You wanted the “middle finger,” as I’ve heard the mood described, the “wrecking ball.” You wanted to send all us terrible elite coasters a message. Well, we got it loud and clear—you’re not capable of self-government. Stupid fucks. Enjoy the slow dawning of understanding as you realize what you’ve done to yourselves.
Yet another page cribbed from Hitler’s playbook. Get ready for his regular million-trailer-trash rallies on the Mall. Bussed in from W. Virginia. Most of 'em open-carrying. Should be fun to watch… from a great distance.
Better move fast on those rallies so that by the time his destruction is felt in these states, he’ll be gone and a memory.
You obviously have so much more faith in the intelligence of the electorate than I do!
Any good con man knows it’s important to keep the marks all riled up.
Who says these poorly educated and incurious dim wits will ever figure out they have been played by the grifter Trump?
See, this is why Obama had such a difficult time with Congress and the Tea People - he never said thank you!(/s)
@thunderclapnewman He’s also meeting with a Koch-funded stooge who advocates privatizing the VA.
Who says National Security Daily Briefs are more important to the President-elect than having your ego stroked by potential gropees (not groupies)? The former only gains the President-elect the knowledge that could avoid a global catastrophic nuclear war and involves work. The latter makes the President-elect happy. Not even a close question when the President-elect does not give a shit about anything that involves work or other than stroking his egg shell-thin skin.
Trump: I want Kasich gone. He is a traitor. I will strip him of his citizenship.