Discussion: Trump To Escalate Tensions With Iran By Branding Its Guard A Terrorist Group

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The move is expected to further isolate Iran

Yeah, because our current standing in the world is so persuasive.


Which reminds me of another drump crime.


There are ample emissaries describing Trumpā€™s insanity to Iranā€™s leaders.


Dangerous times with the abomination no doubt feeling he needs the mother of all distractions to take the focus off the Mueller report and his taxes.

But isnā€™t daddy vlad a strategic friend of Iran?

And I donā€™t have a lot of confidence in cooler heads from the fascistgop prevailing over the abominationā€™s pursuit of catastrophe. The cooler heads in the fascistgop have long since been driven from the cult.


Thatā€™s going to be awkward for Ivanka who laundered all that revolutionary guard money through the Trump organizationā€™s corrupt hotel project in Baku.


Not at all. Anyone who was willing to give money to Trump Org is, by definition, considered a good, upstanding friend who would never be a terrorist. Its only if the money stops flowing that they have clearly turned to terrorism.


Could Bibi be urging this now as a distraction from his problems too? He can point to how his close relationship with Trump helps keep Israel ā€œsafe.ā€
Speaking as a non-Israeli Jew who doesnā€™t consider Bibi my Prime Minister or Trump
my President, my guess is that there must be some personal advantage the US President perceives.


Good one! Itā€™s almost redundant to satirize Trump but we still have to make the effort on general principle!

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The Mueller Report must have something really good that Barrā€™s told Trump thereā€™s no way he can cover it upā€¦

Nothing a little war with Iran canā€™t help to cover up, though!


Very true, and very ominous. Factor in the Dotardā€™s playing footsie with Bibi, Barrā€™s subservience with the Mueller report, Nielsen getting the boot for refusing to direct illegal acts at the border, Stephen Millerā€™s rise in power behind the scenes in the WH, and no doubt a whole lot more acts of corruption stemming from the Orange Gibbon, i see this administration making every successful effort to eradicate every law that could check their power. These are very scary times for this country, precisely because no one inside the WH thinks that constitutional norms apply to them any longer. They see themselves free to do whatever the fuck they want, and itā€™s all OK because they are the ones who are in power. They have McConnellā€™s help in the Senate, and the courts are stacked in their favor. All of the pieces are in place for them to end the America we all know and love. They want something else. Sorry if i sound overtly doomsday about this, but i honestly believe that what i just described in the intent of the motherfucker in the WH.


Naw, you donā€™t sound nearly enough doomsday about thingsā€¦ Theyā€™re so evil and incompetent that weā€™re likely to end up in a nasty war because theyā€™ll try something cute and small (like unleashing Bibi to do a ā€˜surgical strikeā€™ on nuclear sites in Iran) thatā€™ll blow back in their, and our, faces.

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If weā€™re lucky, Iran will declare the far-right MAGA hat wearing crowd a terrorist organization.

Sadly, given the attacks in New Zealand and elsewhere, theyā€™d be correct.


This move has John Boltonā€™s greasy little fingerprints all over it, and as others have pointed out, a perfect time for a ā€œwag the dogā€ moment. Just what this country needs, another foreign war.


Hey, Israeli elections are tomorrow, and Bibiā€™s gotta win or heā€™s going to end up in jail. Trumpā€™s gotta do what needs doing to help a brother out.

Iā€™m sure Bibi will do the same in October 2020ā€¦


Not at all. You do not sound defeatist at all.

What we have to do is empty the sports arenas and iphone salesrooms and get in contact with the people whoā€“ironicallyā€“are the ones who would have to LIVE in a (future) world of Trump-the-Dictator. I am retired and have had a fairly good and productive life. I am ahead right now and about 99+% of my concern about Trump is my family, the country the planet,ā€¦and so forthā€¦


Andā€¦ā€œIranā€™s national security council declared US Central Command a terrorist organisation after Foreign Minister Javad Zarif wrote to President Hassan Rouhani urging such a response, state news channel IRINN said.ā€ - BBC

Apparently Bolton thought it was time to rock his hobby horse.

Yeah, because terrorists wear uniforms and stand in formation.

The white house is looking for a new external enemy. The messican thing is wearing thin.

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Another contemporaneous article about Trumpā€™s Azerbaijan real estate deal with big bad guy in Iran.

with props to Rachel Maddow for contextualizing Trump adminā€™s declaration of the Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization thus.

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