Uh oh. Is it really a good idea to let President Grandpa near a camera that long after sundown? You know how he is.
Hope y’all can get along without me.
Sounds like THE WORLD-WIDE ASSHOLE is going to announce a National Emergency in order to build the wall.
Lying liars will lie.
If we’re real lucky, he might eventually try to extend the National Emergency into Martial Law.
If that happens, then the real patriots will hit the streets.
I’d love to listen, but I’ve got to check the expiration dates on my dairy products and then rearrange my socks and underwear drawer.
"Worst emergency in American history. Worst. The southern border is so incredibly dangerous that MS-13 will kill you on sight if you’re there… "
This is gonna an hysterical event for posterior.
Ooooooh, Sarah Huckster-Slanders, Mick Malignancy, Rutabaga Ghouliani and KellyAnne ConArtist are gonna be burning the midnight oil on the propaganda machine. Then Stephen Miller will creep up and whisper in one of Individual-1’s ears, Hannity will whisper in the other and undo all their hard work.
Shitstorm coming tomorrow. News at 11.
Better roll out the shit-jib, Randy, There’s a shit-storm comin.
He’s so cute when he thinks he’s being presidential.
This shitshow is ON AND LIVE!
Perhaps there’ll be a cold opening with Trump as Alec Baldwin.
Seriously got a question: Just read earlier that Congress can nopeify a presidential emergency declaration. Can half of Congress do anything? Bollix it up some way? I doubt it but would be glad to hear differently. We know it goes straight to court regardless. Idiot.
Well, the humanitarian crisis is created and perpetuated by your administration and there’s no national security crisis.
I think the country will survive if we let people watch their prime-time fiction rather than your dumb-shit fiction…
Will the Dems get a televised rebuttal?
From before he was even sworn in, the most prescient tweet ever tweetered on the tweeter machine…
(Narrator: “And so it came to pass.”)
Maybe he’ll be shlurring sho badly the whole Unitedsh Shtatesh will be talking about it nexsht day.
Maybe * SNIFF * he’ll be shlurring sho badly * SNIFF * the whole Unitedsh Shtatesh will be * SNIFF * talking
- SNIFF * about it nexsht day.