Discussion for article #245959
The batshit is about to hit the crazy fan.
God, does the whining ever stop with this waste of flesh?
Cruz or Trump?
Sorry, should have read:
God, does the whining ever stop with these wastes of flesh.
IANAL but wouldn’t a lawsuit over this end up thrown out of court because nobody has been harmed? The Constitution prevents a non-NBC from SERVING as president. It does not prevent such a person from RUNNING for the office.
Until such time as the Electoral College votes for a non-NBC as president, it’s a moot question.
I would think a decision would be phrased to prevent a non-NBC from appearing on the ballot for an office they are not constitutionally eligible for.
ABOUT to??
“How can Ted Cruz be an Evangelical Christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest…”
The answer to this just writes itself.
No, being ineligible would prevent him from even being on the ballot.
But the issue of standing on this is a tricky one. Personally, I think the best way this could be heard by the courts is sort of a reverse scenario. A state refuses to put Cruz on the ballot because they say he isn’t a NBC, and Cruz files suit.
Other than that, its hard to see a way to standing that the SCOTUS would consider…especially because this is one of those things they don’t want to have to weigh in on…particularly for a GOP nomination.
Well there goes their truce
Cruz strikes me as more of a boy-diddler than a liar.
… Donnie would know about “a natural”, all right…
Go for it!
I was so sick and tired of the cub-nadian pulling this crap on President Obama! All the while cruz was actually BORN in Canada, while our President was born in Hawaii, the 50th state of the USofA!
Payback is fair play!
…munch…munch… munch… dang, out of popcorn! Need to make some more!!
Trump Threatens To Sue
Famous first words…
No, I guess not.
It’s really, really rich to hear Trump talk about others lying. Jeesh, look in a mirror!
Wait a minute – so Trump is saying as long as Cruz plays nice, he (Trump) will let the whole “natural born citizen” thing slide?
But if Trump really believed he would prevail in such a lawsuit, meaning Cruz really isn’t eligible, wouldn’t he want to challenge it no matter how Cruz was behaving? If nothing else, wouldn’t it be extremely damaging to have Cruz win the nomination, and only find out later that he was ineligible?
Nevermind, I just realized I was trying to apply, to Donald Trump, some sort of logic, principles, and concern for something (anything) besides his own self-aggrandizement. Silly me!
Even Scalia might not buy that it’s OK to run for President if you’re not eligible, as long as you don’t win.
Trump can argue that he has already been harmed: he didn’t win the Iowa caucus. The delegates he lost might be critical to avoiding a brokered convention. The harm would continue as delegates are assigned proportionally; once they start going winner-take-all, the harm goes away unless/until Cruz wins, when it is worse.
Just like the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.