Memo to tRump: Taxes are imposed by Congress.
How exactly is drump going to tax motorcycles that are built and sold overseas?
Yeah, I’m going to go out on a limb and wager that the people who run Harley Davidson understand international trade better than Trump and his minions.
Totally agree. This sounds EXACTLY like his moron deplorables. People who know nothing about trade, finance, business, - anything. But spout off about it like they were experts in the field. Hopefully, big American businesses will fight back against this human stain more often now that they’ve gotten their tax breaks.
How will the Harley loving, Harley owning Trump supporter react - in this era where Trump points to new objects of his demonization - when now Trump is targeting the beloved bike?
Honestly? I bet they will decide they never really liked Harleys anyway.
We are getting other countries to reduce and eliminate tariffs and trade barriers that have been unfairly used for years against our farmers, workers and companies. We are opening up closed markets and expanding our footprint.
And exactly where is this being successful??
A Harley Davidson motorcycle is a machine designed to turn chemical energy into sound energy.
In the shriveled organ lodged between POTUS’s ears.
Obviously not a Trump tweet, probably Peter Navarro purposefully misusing “chide” in order to sound like Trump, But this is too sophisticated a mistake for Trump, as it assumes the latter would know the word “chide” well enough to drop it in a non-standard context. Better forgeries, pls.
Does he ride a hog? Or is he a hog?
I once worked for a big company whose tiny, dweeby new president had a video meeting with the entire company when he took over.
He opened with the line: “As many of you know, I ride a Harley Davidson.” Our whole conference room laughed.
We’re going to war!
I love how Whiny thinks the Trumpholes in congress will vote to RAISE taxes on anyone.
You don’t impose taxes, numbnuts. Congress does. And this Congress couldn’t pass gas in a bathtub.
Harleys are expensive toys. Their owners are well-off business guys mostly. When I lived in Austin, they had a motorcycle rally every year (they likely still do) and it was worth tens of millions to the city. Hog riders have money and they spend it when they travel.
As a company they are struggling mightily. The average age of HD owners is climbing. Young people don’t want them.
Tariffs are a form of tax. The threat is to impose tariffs on imported Harleys.
That’s not how it works, dickhead.
God, it will be nice to have a president again who is … you know, like really smart - smarter than your average box of rocks.
Oh My!!
What will the bikers for trump do???