Discussion: Trump Thinks A Ban On Burning The American Flag Is A 'No Brainer'

“No brainer.” Sens. Daines and Cramer … come to think of it, all your supporters … resemble that remark.


“The American Flag is a symbol of freedom – and it should always be protected,” the Montana senator tweeted.

Yup. Nothing says Freedom like banning someone from acting on their Constitutionally guaranteed rights. Glad they’re making that clear.

And if the flag needs “protection”, it’s from Trump’s own grabby little hands. Should put a “do not touch” sign on them for Trump’s benefit.


It’s all about distraction. Emotional issues like this one are a wedge that get good people arguing about non-issues, while the powers that be pick everyone’s pocket. All cynically calculated, as was the abortion issue. But the flag one will be tough, given the SCOTUS ruling, and the reasons for it.


Trump is an expert on no brainer, or no brain to be exact.
Trump, the sissy, would not enlist to fight for our flag, why does he care?


These idiots know nothing…

The United States Flag Code (4 USC Sec 8 Para (k) Amended 7 July 1976) states: “The Flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” Burning isn’t the only way to dispose of a flag, though.

Flag Burning
According to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the first thing you should do is properly fold your flag. If you’re not sure how to fold a flag, you can get step by step directions here. Once you’ve properly folded your flag, make a fire that’s big enough to ensure that your flag will completely burn. When your fire is ready, respectfully place your folded flag on top of it. If you want, you can have a moment of silence or say the Pledge of Allegiance. After the flag has completely burned, the fire needs to be safely and completely extinguished. Collect the ashes and then bury them.

Flag Burial
According to American Disposal Services, the proper way to bury your flag is to first fold it and then place it in a dignified box. You can then bury the flag, saying a few words if you wish.

Flag Donation
If you’re leary that you might not burn or bury your flag properly, you can donate your flag to your local American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Boy Scouts, or the Girl Scouts. Each of these government organizations will conduct a ceremony to properly dispose of the flag and they’ll do it for no charge. (ed: somebody else will burn it for you)

— from https://981thehawk.com/how-to-properly-dispose-of-an-american-flag/


I have contacted 37 fire departments in 14 states and every single one of them said that flag burning was an epidemic they could hardly keep up with and were requesting additional personnel to handle all the burning flags.

…and of course the official method of destroying an old, frayed or desecrated flag is by burning. But what the heck.


How about an amendment to keep Trump from humping the flag?


Yeah, burning the flag is wrong, of course. And I hear that molesting it is wrong, too…

ETA: Dagnabbit! @dave_mb beat me to it by seconds!


Patriotism and flag humping is the last refuge of scoundrels.

Great minds think alike.

@playitagainrowlf Trump’s flag humping is pretty unusual.
Many people love the flag, but few people love the flag like Trump.


Just so they don’t set my flag tie on fire when I wear it on Flag Day. Yes, donald, there is a Flag Day, June 14.


First time he’s got it up since that magical 3 (and a half) minutes with Stormy Daniels.


Yup, and I see that @evan posted a similar idea, then deleted it. Lot of great minds on this thread! :sunglasses:


He’s just role playing the flag raising on Iwo Jima


That’s also his birthday.

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Oh, give me a break, a constitutional amendment for what?
The “No brainer” is the odious one in the WH.


Burning is ok. But you have to plant a new flag to keep populations up and to stay carbon neutral.


It’s first and foremost his birthday.

As far as he’s concerned yeah.

As far as I’m concerned, no. It’s first and foremost the birthday of a close friend of ours that we remember cause it’s Flag Day.


Is A ‘No Brainer’. As befits Trump.

But I’ve got a better idea. Let’s amend the constitution to enshrine an ERA which would also state explicitly the right to vote.

Also what about heartfelt religious views? What if people want to raise their middle finger to the flag? What about forcing flag idolatry upon people?

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe their allegiance belongs to God’s Kingdom, which they view as an actual government. They refrain from saluting the flag of any country or singing nationalistic songs, which they believe are forms of worship, although they may stand out of respect.

Armchair patriots and professional scoundrels.