"Dogs do a better job than $400 million worth of equipment. Can you believe that? Only the dog lovers would understand that. I said to the Border Patrol the other day, they were giving me a little rundown on the equipment, and you know it’s hundreds, we’re close to $500 million worth of equipment at the ports of entry. I said, ‘how does this compare to those great dogs I saw?’ They say, ‘sir, honestly, the dogs are better and I said, ‘you’ve got to be kidding.’ it’s incredible and they showed me and it’s actually incredible."
nervously eyeing Google
Maybe we should put some of them in office. We could hardly do worse than the current crop, at least among Republicans.
Trump is one of the few humans that not even a dog would love.
I don’t think I’ve never met a dog that wouldn’t scurry away from Toadglans in total disgust.
OTOH I’ve met dogs that love nothing more than rolling in shit, so I could be wrong.
Quick, Donnie, name 3 breeds of dog other than German Shepherd.
That’s what I thought. Dogs of the world are grateful this psychopath has never had a dog.
Could this fool possibly be any more awkwardly stupid and transparent?
It truly is like every single Trump appointee is Michael Brown, and every single day is Katrina.
How good are dogs at quickly scanning a semi tailor at the border? Oh! I know! They shoot X-rays out of their eyes!
Not even his mama. And it shows.
Of course, its only because someone recently told him dogs are good a sniffing out drugs, which apparently he didn’t know so he has to talk about it as if everyone else doesn’t already know about drug sniffing dogs.
In reality its a mix dogs are good at some things but not all type of drug detection.
meanwhile, off camera the adderall-trained detection dog is losing his shit from the proximal overdose concentration
So a guy with over developed biceps, tech pants, heavy moustache, shaved head and ray bans introduced him to a creature with four legs, a wagging tail and a cold nose. Now he knows all about dogs.
(Damn it. Once again spell check believes moustache is a typo. )
Trump: “We have a lot of dogs. We cherish them.”
“But, enough about my cabinet and judicial appointments.”
Trump: Shepard Smith, The American Shepard (THE BEST!!!), and the Doberman Shepard.
Trump: The greatest equipment in the world is a dog.
And the biggest tool in the White House is Trump.
Or in any house for that matter.
Who needs science, studies and data when one can just fabricate and anecdote - and people applause. So Much Cheaper (trump thought for: More money available for me to grift!)
“Cherish” is a very odd word choice here.
“The greatest equipment in the world is a dog. Dogs, a certain type of German shepherd in particular,” he said. “Dogs do a better job than $400 million worth of equipment. Can you believe that?"
Yeah, if you drop 100 of them from a tanker plane onto a cartel they'll put out a narcotic fire in fairly short order.