Discussion: Trump Thanks Dubai Business Partner At New Year's Eve Party (VIDEO)

I can’t imagine the Trump courses as being safe, or even a big draw, in the Middle East.

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A grifter’s gotta grift.


I like the comments at the end of the video: “I’d like to thank my members … they’re the ones I really care about. I don’t give a shit about their guests.” A touching New Year’s sentiment, very presidential, and quite telling of how he actually thinks about those who pay to increase his profit or to get access - the members of his president’s club - and the rest of us guests.

Wasn’t that one of President Obama’s original sins?


Could Trump be a secret Muslim ? Would explain the two Corinthians ?


Why? The #1 mission for all those minority foot soldiers serving on the front lines for the US Military will be to protect our racist President’s international properties. Anyone who opposes Trump’s international properties will be labeled a terrorist and Trump can order any branch of the military to retaliate. It will happen…it is how Trump operates.

Trump…early onset dementia. That’s why his kids need to attend every meeting…at least one of them has to be in there.

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Once again Trump is lying about putting aside or ending his business arrangements as his plans for resorts in Indonesia are going full steam ahead. And the man who will not only benefit financially from this arrangement is the vulture capitalist, Carl Icahn, one of Trump’s advisors on regulatory issues. In fact, his title will be Special Advisor to the President on Regulatory Reform, which would be laughable if it wasn’t so depressing. Self-dealing will be the norm throughout a Trump administration.

The business arrangement in Indonesia involves corrupt politicians who have known ties to Trump. He has continued to pull the wool over the public’s eyes with his bogus statements, but who is going to stop him? Certainly not Congress. With no independent Ethics Committee, these quid pro quo arrangements will continue to exist and multiply. What is it they say about absolute power? He hasn’t even taken office yet and I think I can safely say he’ll be the most corrupt President in US history.


I have very little doubt that precisely such a scenario is going to arise. His international properties are high profile targets, and given his incredibly thin skin and need to respond to any slight, they will become targets and he will demand the military move in to defend and retaliate.

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Very early onset - about age 15 from what I hear.


One wonders if his greed will be the undoing of his properties. WhoTF would want to live in a Trump tower? I mean, I don’t understand it under the best of circumstances (not partial to gilt and marble, personally), but once they become actual targets, won’t they empty out faster than a poked anthill?


What conflict of interest?

OK when Republicans do it.

This is corruption. What is being done to enforce the law?

Plenty if bigots like him-Guilluani…http://donbacon2016.com/contact/

“Hussain and the whole family, the most beautiful people, from are here Dubai tonight.”

Is that what he actually said?

Btw, doesn’t it seem likely that Hussain Ali Habib Sajwani is Muslim? How do Trump supporters reconcile Trump’s expressed love of wealthy Muslims while he concurrently scapegoats all Muslims as the greatest danger facing the US?

My question is what the effect of security hassles has on occupancy and property values. Also, wouldn’t it be expected that any new buyers or occupants in the building would require investigation and approval by the Secret Service? Remember, that when the single family house next door to the Obama’s came on the market the new buyers were completely vetted by the SS. I can’t imagine Trump liking this constraints.

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