Again with the walls…perhaps Donald should instead give us his plan to try and salvage his already-shaky reputation in the first 100 days after he gets his ass whooped by HRC.
I don’t know why Trump is so insistent on who will or will not pay. We all know if it’s a Trump project the contractors will get stuffed regardless.
They get stiffed when Trump tells them to get stuffed.
This makes you really have to wonder, what part of President Peña Nieto’s declaration the “Mexico will not pay for any wall” does Drumpf not understand.
Just park all the Taco Trucks end-to-end along the border.
Problem solved…
US Constitution, Article I, Section 9
No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law
Only Congress can make laws, hence only Congress can authorize money to be withdrawn from the treasury. Perhaps Trump plans to pay for his wall by private subscriptions. Or maybe the Trump Foundation will pay for it. However, I think it’s fairly obvious that neither Congress nor the Mexican government is going to pay for it.
Does Mexico realize it’s coño is being groped by Donnie, once again…
An audience member whooped.
“With the full understanding that the country of Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such a wall, okay?” Trump continued, to a more muted cheer.
Are his followers getting tired, unable to show their enthusiasm??
Add this to trump’s brag list
@frankly_my_dear It’s this kind of ignorance of the Constitution which led him to blame Clinton for not changing tax laws while she was in the senate when in fact it is the House which generates tax and spending laws.
Other than the idiocy of the wall and the claim that Mexico will pay for it, Donald is oblivious to the fact that Mexican emigration has now turned the other way and more people have been coming back. So if he somehow manages to build a wall, he will wind up trapping Mexicans on our side of the border.
He also ignores the fact that about 40 percent of illegal immigrants enter the country legally and then don’t go back when they should. No wall is going to stop that.
(That I am even bothering to make this point illustrates the total stupidity of the wall idea.)
This is such utter fucking stupidity.
This reminds me of a line delivered with such “dead on-ness” by Mr. Richard Dean Anderson on an episode of “Stargate SG-1,” when upon hearing some weirdo villain make all sorts of florid threats, turns and says: "Who talks like that?
He is incapable of not making an ass out of himself.
What he really meant was the New Mexico will reimburse us.
It is only tax (revenue) bills that must originate in the House. Spending bills can originate in either house.
US Constitution, Article I, Section 7
All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.
Mexico will reimburse
With what Montezuma’s revenge?
Neon futures should skyrocket from all those advertisements posted on “The Dumpster Wall”.
I don’t see the point of antagonizing Apophis like that…
This has been explained to me before, must repeat to myself, “tax bills, tax bills” over and over, but even with what I don’t know, I still know more than trumpf…