That inverse raccoon look is just not working for him…
Is there any look that would work for him?
“We’re Respected Again”
sez who ? sez who ?
If by “respected” he means “universally laughed at, mocked, derided and distrusted”, then yes.
Translation: “We’ve been feeling very disrespected recently, by which we mean the royal we Trump, and so we will declare the contrary, so as to make it true”
You can read him like a book, which is ironic because I have no idea the last time he read a book.
By whom? The man is delusional every day and his pals in Congress continue with their disasterious enablement.
He could try six feet of topsoil. Many people are saying that would be a very good, very big look.
Believe me.
The good news is that four years of education and training at the Naval Academy cannot be undone by one Trump graduation speech - no matter how crazy or stupid or dishonest it was.
In the campaign he was always going on about the world laughing at us and the military was a disaster, and now the world respects us, I guess because in a year and a half we suddenly have an awesome military and a delusional know-nothing Commander in Chief. The world respects us like shop owners respect the Mafia.
According to actual reliable polling the US is thought well of at about half the rates as under Obama when it was at a peak, except for in three shithole countries. We can only imagine what private conversations go on between Trudeau, Macron, May, and Merzel about the US and Trump. Just guessing: it isn’t pretty.
180 degrees backwards. We were respected in the world under President Obama. Now even are NATO allies don’t trust or respect us.
The clown is pathological.
I can think of no greater act of disrespect than to have Trump as a commencement speaker.
I think a jumpsuit made of Federal Penitentiary Orange would be an outstanding look for him.
Unfortunately most of the young men and women graduating believe that BS. The military is infested with trumptards itching to bomb the crap out any “shithole” country the Pestilent says.
BTW. Rumor has it that the armed forces new recruiting pitch is going to be "Safer than High School "
“You are now leaders of the most power and righteous forces on the face of the planet,
He sounds like an illiterate Moff Tarkin.
Here is a poll that was done in January. It says that Trump has made the US lest respected around the world. DUH!
It’s like Kim Kardashian giving a speech at the Nobel Prize ceremony. Or her husband, who’s a genius like Trump.
This brag is the unsurprising, compensatory gas-lighting that was inevitable after the North Korean humiliation.
just sayin’ it doesn’t mean it’s true…
I have hair again, I have hair again, I have… never mind
if tRUmp is the snake oil salesman, the republicons are the sheriff letting him fleece the towns people, and getting a cut of the take