the wife reported “she’s mopping the floor with him… if you believe in the truth…”
oy vey!!!
When are they going to ask “Mr. Trump, if you are elected president will you stop doing cocaine?”
Ah, doesn’t matter. He’s a lying sack of shit.
Too bad that will never happen; Chris Christie will be lucky not to be investigated himself, and Hillary’s Opponent will never be elected President of the United States. His performance in this debate is vintage BS and bullying. I wish someone would make him sit down while Secretary Clinton is speaking, it looks as though he might hit her with his microphone.
He does seem to be looming over her… like a scene from Frankenstein…
Hillary: When (not if) I’m elected, I won’t need to have a special prosecutor, I will just let all the various lawsuits against you to proceed.
He seems to be sniffing more than last time. What a pig, I hate him more every hour.
There will no place for Donald after this…He will be UNWELCOME EVERYWHERE.
Kinda wish she’d directly challenge him and say, “And what am I supposed to be in jail for, Don?”
I was, at one point, thinking he was going to hit her with his chair.
One of the articles of impeachment against Nixon was that he used the office of the presidency to punish his political opponents. It’s against the law.
Ok, stop the presses. This debate consists of to-and-froing on various policy points, but this threat to imprison your presidential adversary is the headline for tomorrow. This is a game-changer. This crosses the line. This discloses that Trump is going to use his office to seek to punish his political opponents. This is a signal of dictatorship. Enough is enough. This is the only story to take away from this debate. (So far!)
That may be the Trump-is-a-stalking-horse-for-Mike-Dense strategy. Elect Dishonest Don, impeach him the moment he steps across the line and … bingo-bango-bongo President Dense.
Not to mention smacking of double jeopardy and a bill of attainder by executive order. (I know, she hasn’t been tried so it isn’t really double jeopardy. But opening yet another in a series of seemingly unending investigations sure feels that way.)
Sorry, but Hillary is “losing”… Not owning up to his attacks, etc.
Raw meat for the Trumpanzees.
Always good to know going in, if a potential chief executive would abuse the power of the office.
I wish she’d counteract him. He’s being “forceful” and therefore “winning.”
Actually I wish she would kick him in the nuts. That would guarantee her a victory lap…
Trump has shown himself to be a Stalinist thug, threatening to abuse Presidential power to launch a police state inquisition against his prime political opponent. This is after pre-emptively declaring that Clinton belongs in jail, not based on any criminal indictment whatsoever, but on nothing but toxic demogogic venom.
Only her iron discipline could have kept her from bursting into laughter.