Reporting facts = unfair. Where have heard that before…
With reality having a liberal bias, I have a sense of deja vu before the Trump presidency even started. What a total clustertrump.
“The law’s totally on my side, the president can’t have a conflict of interest.”
What does that mean?
In theory I could run my business perfectly and then run the country
In actual practice, I clearly can’t do either one.
So, Trump says stuff and Maggie acts as stenographer. Fascinating. But why should anyone believe anything he says? Oh, but he’s the PEOTUS!, you say. And, your point is?
There’s no conflict of interest. I’m interested in both.
I just read the Times coverage of the off then on again meeting. This is insanity. Either Trump himself personally gets it together or he gets handled by the GOP adults, but this isn’t going to work like this. We may be looking at more of a Cheney/Bush model of power, where the VP takes over the real power with Bush as the ostensible leader. But they’ll have to get even tighter control of Trump. I don’t think he’s going to make it (impeached, compromised, resigns, idk).
Someone please correct me. I hope I’m wrong. But I don’t think there any laws or constitutional limits here, emoluments not withstanding. We’re in uncharted territory here, I think.
Keep in mind that Donald Trump has a massive, narcissistic ego that needs constant stroking. It’s what motivates him every second. This is why he can so effortlessly contradict himself, even in the same breath. This is why he can so easily and shamelessly lie about everything. There’s no conscience at work. All ego. There’s no empathy, sympathy, curiosity, intelligence or thoughfulness to what he says. It’s all about his ego. Everything is flat, there’s no depth. It’s frightening and incredibly dangerous.
What a bucket of fluff! Just how brown was dear Maggie’s nose when she left this “interview”?
This should make Bill Mitchell orgasmic.
It means the headquarters address of Trump Inc will change on January 20.
PresIdents donT haVe the saMe rules liKe conflicTs of interest and Pussygrab likE regular peoPle and Non celebrities.
it will be both
“Well, when the president does it, that means it is not illegal.”
I don’t think I buy the “stenographer” description as pejorative unless the actual piece they do on the meeting is written that way. Sadly, however, the American attention span is becoming the length of a Tweet.
It’s a live-tweet session. He said this, he said that. It’s literally impossible to provide context. So I wouldn’t blame her—I found it fascinating and horrifying as raw reportage moment by moment.