Trump literally—not figuratively—but literally clapped when a GOP Congressman body-slammed a reporter and said it might have helped that guy win an election. Calling him a tough cookie and “he’s my guy”.
Dude, you don’t have the magic purple crayon. You can’t just draw things the way you want them to be and have that be real. The folks that are pumping your ego up - they’re not pointing at your beautiful new clothes… they are lying to you in all your buck-naked dimness.
“My language is very nice.” I beg to differ. Your rhetoric is violent, vulgar, conflict-ridden, obsessed with dominance, illogical, absurd, childish, moronic, and in many cases reeks of sadistic fantasies. Just saying “My language is very nice” shows your deep inability to phrase things like an educated or even halfway normal adult. Nobody normal talks or thinks this way. You’re a tragic disaster and a sick joke.
When asked about the arrest, Trump said it was a “shame” and “very sad when a thing like that happens”
He means it’s a shame the guy got arrested before following through on the plot to kill enemies of freedom and America Trump.
That’s what I meant… metaphorically
He gets a lot more upset with people like Colin Kaepernick than he ever does with violent right-wingers.
Two approaches to the same thing. I’m in a ranty mood is all.
“My language is very nice.”
No, it isn’t. It’s a poor excuse for a small-minded Hitler wannabe. Your inability to recognize the linkage between your vitriol and psychos like Cesar Sayoc and Christopher P. Hasson puts you squarely on the lowest rung of reality comprehension, a space you have rarely inhabited in your lifetime and never visited once since taking office.
Dude, ain’t NOTHING nice about you. Not. One. Thing. You are a nasty S.O.B. through and through, and the only people who like you are also nasty.
Goldwater rule noted etc., but seriously, the psychosis.
Toadglans habitually displays about a tenth of the veracity of Tommy Flanagan and possesses less self-awareness than the average amoeboid.
Damn it! Now I feel bad, like I’ve unnecessarily insulted both pathological liars and unicellular organisms.
“very sad when a thing like that happens,”"
I’m sorry, but there is precisely ZERO that is “sad” about the capture, prosecution and imprisonment of a would-be-mass-murderer white supremacist hiding out in our armed forces while stockpiling weaponry and researching and planning his upcoming partisan bloodbath that was incited and encouraged by the divisive political rhetoric of our very own POTUS. Not a fucking thing sad about it.
He’s always nice, both verbally and non-verbally…
“Trump Takes No Responsibility” chapter Infinity Plus One
Trump is retarded in every way.
Just, WTF
Are we sure he was sad about the planned attack? Or maybe was it about the dude getting caught?
There are good people on both sides, after all.
Who knew?!
Stellar recitation of the thoughts that flash through my mind nearly every time I read or hear something from this doofus which is seemingly all day, every day.