As bad as that convention was this result is absurd.
America the land of fear and hate.
National polls, especially including the rabid GOP south, mean little. Electing a president is a state by state electoral strategy only.
Here we go again Trump with two(2) active lawsuits going against him and he is leading ? MSM trying to keep this thing going.All day yesterday with the Democratic Convention hours away it was all Trump all the time or trouble brewing for the Democrats with the email dump and Wasserman Schultz troubles with the party.
Excellent work, Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Years a go you determined to give us a candidate who is widely disliked and ethically compromised. As a result what should have been a wave election against the most idiotic candidate in US history will end up being a narrow victory at best, and a trump victory at worst. Well done, DWS!! Your cronysim crushes us all
“Trump leads Clinton by three points…”
“…with a margin of error plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.”
So even after all the huffing and puffing by the GOP and before the Democratic convention, it is essentially a statistical tie as the margin of error is greater than Trump’s “lead”. Of course that won’t fit the media’s meme so Trump is now “leading”. If this was the other way around with Clinton up by 3 points with a MOE of 3.5 points it would read, “Clinton/Trump tied!”
We got through this every four years with TPM and the rest of the media always tilting polls to lean toward the GOP when possible. If anyone in charge at TPM actually cared about integrity they would require all reporters to take a basic class in polls and learn what a margin of error means,
The GOP hate/smear machine has been in full operation against Clinton for 20 years with a large assist from the media. That’s not DWS. And the “ethically compromised” line is a pure GOP talking point.
“Destroying the Republic” is not something that figures into a quarterly earnings report, so why should the MSM care? They are only about profit, nothing else. They’d support Hitler if that was good for ratings.
St. Bernard lost. Deal with it.
There’s a useful discussion of post-convention polling bounce at
Bottom line…Trump can win this election…
Oh my fucking God.
That’s always true but this poll is meaningful as well, especially because it had Clinton leading by 7.
What the hell is wrong with people in this country? How does he have a 46% favorability?
Hair-on-fire Monday.
You actually think that Sanders could deal with this? Ha. He is not one to suffer fools gladly, and between Trump and the media and the GOP, there are a lot of fools. He would get very angry, and not in the way Trumpsters like, and those who dislike Trump won’t want another angry guy fulminating a t them.
Clinton’s perhaps about the only one who could deal with this-- she stays calm, she has LOTS of experience dealing diplomatically with despots, and she has a really terrific campaign staff which is quick and nimble to respond.
You don’t have to like her, but you might just think about the alternative- not just Trump, but that alt-universe where Sanders is running against him. How long, really, do you think Sanders would sit still and not blow up with all the stupid/vicious coming at him? I’d give him about 5 minutes.
Trump’s allowed to be hysterical on national TV, but it would be DEATH for anyone else.
And DWS didn’t “determine to give us a candidate.” Good grief, do you actually think Clinton doesn’t make her own choices? You must think DWS is some kind of powerful creature. She “let” Sanders run as a Democrat, after all, so how powerful/exclusive is she? Your conspiracy theories are starting to collide.
If this country elects Trump, well, we deserve what we get.
At my age (I’ll be 70 a few days before the election) I refuse to get all frantic about this poll this early in the campaign, right after the GOP convention and before the Democratic convention. Let’s see the polls after the Democratic convention.
If this doesn’t wake up the rest of the “Never Hillary” Bernie Bros, nothing will.
This is no time for bruised ego’s, it is time to organize to prevent King Donnie the Orange.
Every vote counts.