Discussion: Trump Takes Dig At Clinton's Health: Could She Stand For Hour-Long Rally?

What is the usual length of a Clinton campaign appearance?
Number of minutes per day campaigning? I’m pretty sure Trump doesn’t do well in the comparison.
Voice sounds terrible again. He should get a voice coach. He sounds a bit whiny and raspy at the same time.


Would he survive 11 hours of being questioned on Capitol Hill by nasty partisan Democrats over Trump University?

I don’t think so.


I would be more concerned about Trump’s uber form of ADD ,or tourettes like predilection for blurring out lies and insults…he can’t go five minutes without sounding like a brain damaged asShole


Trump’s campaign is doing something smart here. By always taking the press to Canton-Youngstown area he is campaigning in 1950’s Ohio. 538 had an article pointing out Youngston was more like the 1950’s population in the US., ‘Normal America’ Is Not A Small Town Of White People http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/normal-america-is-not-a-small-town-of-white-people/

The genius is the press from the East Coast thinks, Oh! This is what Ohio has always been like and ignores the rest of the state. And sorry kids, press coverage does drive the polls a few points toward Trump.

BTW Canton-Youngstown has been losing population since the 1970’s, and the other metro areas have been growing.


HRC resumes campaigning today. I guess that will receive coverage at TPM only if it is mentioned by Trump.


One thing’s for certain, Trumplenuts: she can stand long enough to hang you by your heels, gut you, and bleed you out like a wild game animal in the upcoming debates. Not that it matters one iota to your deplorable supporters.

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Don’t all campaigns create good press by addressing sympathetic crowds? Thinking back, it was reported that the assembled crowd at Trump’s escalator-entranced candidacy announcement was hired at $50 a head to create the image he had supporters.

I don’t think that Youngstown is atypical for Ohio – after all, John Kasich is their governor.


Hey loudmouth, you are going to find out on the 26th when you get schooled again. Can’t wait to watch you back down from another strong woman.


Kasich’s reelect was the worse turnout in decades. The D candidate crashed and burned weeks before the election and did not have any ads or appearances a couple of weeks before the election. In overwhelmingly D Columbus OH there was only a 27% turnout of registered voters.

The 60% approval rate Kasich’s campaign touted during his campaign for POTUS was 6 months after his reelect and Ohioans were still thinking, “Thank God we didn’t get that other asshole.”

Ohioan here, the population of Youngstown looks nothing like Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati or Dayton metro areas. It is whiter and less educated.


Could Trump sit for an hour with a foreign world leader and have an intelligent conversation?


Trump has said that he will released more information about his health soon, but so far he has only handed a summary of his recent physical to television personality Dr. Mehmet Oz.

he’s not going to give anymore info. As far as he’s concerned, that Doctor Oz appearance was the press conference.


11 hours, Donnie, 11 hours.


I was raised in Youngstown and moved away 30 years ago. A few weeks ago, I spoke to a politically active friend who still lives there. He said the local Democratic Party had recently let go about nine officials because they’d said that they had voted for Trump.

It used to be a strong pro-labor blue collar melting-pot community when the steel mills were going strong, but it’s gotten increasingly redneck over the years.

And yes, the city’s population has steadily declined, but the population in the outlying suburbs and townships has grown as those areas have been developed as affordable bedroom communities for people commuting to and from jobs in Cleveland, Akron, or Pittsburgh, PA.

Something striking about Youngstown: they have a city school district, rather than a county district. So the city’s urban schools are deteriorating – a few have shut down, leaving some neighborhoods entirely without a local school, making it hard to sell a house to a family – but the suburban schools are in better shape financially.


You prove my point. The area is whiter than the rest of the state. And the Republican plan to kill the unions has worked.


I would say could Trump stand for 5 minutes with a foreign leader during a photo op and not cause WW III?


The older urban parts of Youngstown are much less white than the suburbs.


“When I perform.”

Dance, Orange Ape, Dance!


Seriously. This is so tiresome–jeez, what did Trump have for breakfast? The sausage, egg and cheese biscuit, or did he go with the McMuffin? Inquiring minds wanna know! Wonder if Trump thinks it will be a hard winter or not–maybe he’ll share his thoughts on that…

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FDR couldn’t stand for an hour long rally. Did that make him a bad presidential candidate?