Discussion: Trump Takes Break From Washington, But Goes On A 'Working Vacation'

He has secure communications with Moscow anywhere he goes, so Donnie CAN keep working…


Still raining, huh?


Brinkley: “Every August you have something horrific that’s going to happen.”

Only in this instance it’s been happening since January 20th - every day.


The Somerset County 4H Fair is in the no fly zone that exists as a result of POTUS’s vacation. As a result, the 4H flying club will have their model airplanes and drones grounded unless they get special permission.

Early Tuesday, Trump touted his plans for the day on Twitter, saying “I will be holding a major briefing on the Opioid crisis, a major problem for our country.”

So major, in fact, that you keep on demanding that your stooges in Congress eviscerate the main source of assistance for those afflicted.

Now, watch this drive.


Working vacation for Trump means rage tweets every time it rains.


" I’m not the stamina … I’m not the stamina …

YOU’RE the stamina " —

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And still nothing about the Muslim center bombing?..wow.


dTrump doesn’t need a vacation from reality. He’s been on one for years.
But rebranding helps. Yeah. It’s now a working permanent vacation.
“He runs the largest, established, permanent, floating crap game in New York!” (\strike “N.Y.”, replace with “D.C.”)
Except with real crap.

Would be kinda ironic to have the tiny-fingered vulgarian attacked by tiny planes…

Does it really matter where he is? It isn’t as if he can get anything accomplished.


Well I’m guessing this is about the same amount of “work” he did in his businesses.

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Trump’s aides are referring to the 17-day break as a “working vacation.”

What’s he gonna work on, his pitching or his putting?

Hell, he’s got seventeen days. He can work on both!

I hear Chris Christy has a private beach in New Jersey. Maybe he’s just hanging out with his bff CC.

So, while on vacation in NJ, Donald walks into this real swingin’ glitzy golf club just to check out the competition to see what everyone is talking about.

He remains unconscious.