Discussion: Trump: Syria Missile Strikes In 'Vital National Security Interest' In US

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Another GOP president.

More death.

Mission accomplished.


No, this was done in the “vital interests” of propping up his “Administration” and his popularity ratings. Note how his enablers in Congress are in unanimous support of this clearly illegal military action. What U.S. territory was involved? How many U.S. citizens were threatened directly? One can only imagine the GOP reaction if President Obama had done the same thing. The hypocrisy is stunning, once again.


If this moron was the least bit honest, he’d say it was prompted by humanitarian interests to protect innocent civilians and this was payback…but instead he went with the old standby about this being in our “vital national security interest”, which truth be told…it really is not. Syria does not pose any vital or imminent threat to this country…and every fucking general, the entire military industrial complex, and all those bullshit pundits and journalists on TV this morning praising this one-off action ought to know this. Period.

So again…Now what?


this will not end well


And effectively ignoring that this shit has been going on for 10 years with 500,000 dead, Hospitals and schools bombed , sections of the country reduced to dust.
All this while the world, Syria’s neighbors Russia et al stood around whistling and twiddling their thumbs


“Trump: Syria Missile Strikes In ‘Vital National Security Interest’ Of US”

Just watching some of the early morning spin on this,Trump supporters are using the word compassion a lot for the pictures that were seen after this horrible incident.What I can’t seem to get out of my head is the medical benefits that our seniors .womans health care and children would be thrown off of the ACA and the GOP didn’t show any compassion there. I could be mixing apples and oranges.


Yep !

“Although Congressional leaders hailed his decision to seek the permission of lawmakers who had been clamoring for a say, the turnabout leaves Mr. Obama at the political mercy of House Republicans, many of whom have opposed him at every turn and have already suggested that Syria’s civil war does not pose a threat to the United States. His decision raises the possibility that he would be the first president in modern times to lose a vote on the use of force, much as Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain did in Parliament last week.”


The looming scandal of his presidential campaign’s treasonous collusion caused him to feel compassion and to reverse his position on Syria as documented in a stream of Tweets. This is Wag The Dog on the Russia Scandal with a military action that has no ultimate long term effect on the conflict in Syria, for which he and his increasingly obvious incompetent Secretary of State have no simple solution. Wag the Dog, Donnie.


Have you tuned into any of the bobblehead TV shows this morning? I wish I hadn’t. They’re all pretending like Obama never tried this same tact…to no avail, with very little, if no support overall in Congress, and with nothing but constant criticism in the press, that his actions were either too much without any tangible results, or too little with problems growing out of control nonetheless. It was never enough in either direction. But somehow this morning…all that has changed…because the Fruitcake-in-Chief’s heart was touched by “the babies” suddenly after 6 years of constant oppression…and because he saw it on TV for the first fucking time in his life, I guess.

The level of disingenuousness and phoniness is beyond ridiculous since these same reporters/pundits that have gotten on these shows, are managing to go out of their way to avoid any context to what Obama actually tried to do, and how little the Congress was willing to help him deal with the problems in Syria as a growing humanitarian crisis. It really is like watching theater of the absurd this morning.


“Have you tuned into any of the bobblehead TV shows this morning? I wish I hadn’t” TOUCHE !

Raise your pant legs and hold your noses this week end you know whats coming.


This stinks to high heaven,

I am not convinced “There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons”

It makes no sense that Assad would launch a gas attack on some little burg when he has plenty of “conventional” weapons, knowing how freaked out world opinion would be.

And of course the blatant GOP hypocrisy is just part of the fabric now with their previous positions totally shoved down the memory hole.


I don’t know what worries me more…That these same reporters will treat this story like a one or two day thing because like everything else, its all about the news cycle and its actually more like click-bait for their ratings (war sells)…or that they’ll stay focused on it entirely, heaping praise for this action, because it puts the entire wing of military pundits back in those seats for interviews, and because they’ve been waiting with anticipation long enough while those retainers don’t come cheap, as they idly standby letting them go to waste.

Plus, anything to change the subject from Russia interfering in our elections, and how mentally unstable the US Presidency is right now, seems to be in the works at some level. Pretty soon Congress will be on recess…and the holidays are coming up. This will stay in the news only if he buys them ratings I suspect…but to be honest, I don’t think most Americans overall are for military intervention in Syria, no matter how hard they try to sell it, or commend The Real Estate Business Guy that retreats to Mar-a-Lago to go golfing every weekend.


Who needs a Pearl Harbor, when Trump’s got Putin the perpetual war machinist, pushing him from behind, aiding and abetting his addiction to cheap, vain glory (aka “celebrity”)?

War is the birthplace of cheap glory,

Trump should fit right in.

Vainglory on the part of their commanders, in chief or in general, has bloodied many young soldiers needlessly.

And that same vain, cheap glory of war has also murdered milions of innocents in its profane course to personal agrandizement.

Putin wants WAR to burn up all that oil… every day of conflict makes him that much richer and puts him that much closer to reaping the deadly harvest of fossil fuel buried in eastern Siberia.

ALL his efforts in the middle east have been to subsume the world’s oil market control OPEC once commanded.

Trump wants to be a war president worse’,n W did.

And Putin wants desperately to be the first oil trillionaire.

They both may get their wish, and then they will live to regret every moment of it.



What kills me is the morning bobble heads are saying we finally have a leader showing American strength.


What happened to America First.


“Stupidity” and “strength” are comically interchangeable in the Trump era.


Gassed dead “beautiful” Syrian babies: inhumane evil.

Bombed dead Syrian babies: regrettable “collateral damage”.

Immigrant live Syrian babies: little Trojan horses.


That does seem to be the most common thread from the false equivicators…

Funny how they want to blame Obama for Assad, but no one mentions it was Putin who empowered Assad inthe first place.

So, who are the allies and who are the adversaries?

I don’t think Trump and Tillerson really know. Thye are just looking at all that Siberian oil for future war-machne consumption, they don’t ponder the human implications until babies die in torment.

And then they blame our last great President for it.

Shame on them, and much more, if they continue.


i woke up today even more angrier than usual but surprisingly not at the puppet.
but at hillary clinton and the DNC for not beating the most unqualified human on the planet to be president.

yea…i know that ship has sailed and i know how much easier it is to just fool ones self with hopeful comments that are meant to get nothing more than an internet high 5.

but…who is going to stop this madness and why shouldn’t we look back the last 8 years or so and put the blame DIRECTLY where it belongs?

the puppet has discovered what i have repeatedly warned against…he can bolster his need to “feel a win”…just by bombing people!
how nice to know we can anticipate more and more aggression and military solutions in place of diplomacy which would require actual knowledge of WHY you result to launching bombs instead of other non-BOMBING solutions.

lets hope we see congress put the breaks on to his madness but the senate is in the process of putting a judge on the SC by destroying the one thing that made it unique…so much for congress.

how many democrats are going to remain silent or because they know the American people LOVE a good bombing will just become cheer-leaders for the puppet and applaud the revival of his approval ratings which then give him the leverage to call them names even while they are crossing the aisle to gush at his ever increasingly great legislation!
SO MUCH for the democrats!

hey!.. maybe i just had a bad nightmare and i am just reacting to that…lets see how this day goes